
Invest In Your Aakhirah

Consider contributing to this project to benefit all those who are struggling to find or pay for a local teacher from around the world, or even to pay for online lessons. Creating content for YouTube and maintaining a website have associated costs, so every penny you contribute will be considered as sadaqah jaariyah for you as long as people benefit. JazakAllah Khairan!

Other Ways Of Donating

In countries where Paypal is not an option, you can use Western Union to directly transfer funds into my bank business bank account: HealMyTech Ltd. HealMyTajweed is still under the umbrella of HealMyTech Ltd, I am working to make HealMyTajweed it its own entity soon.

Bank: HSBC

Name: HealMyTech Ltd

Sc: 400630

Acc: 72890577

Country: UK