Know About Healing Crystals for Jewellery | Healing Crystal Jewelry Review | How I Use Crystal Jewelry for Healing?

Genuine semi-precious gemstones and crystals are used in our jewelry, and their unique properties are carefully mixed to create a solid, high frequency product.

Each stone has its own distinct positive quality or resonance, which, like a tuning fork, resonates with the wearer's own.

Bracelet for Fertility

This was our very first personalized curing bracelet. At a trade fair in Toronto, a lady placed an order with us. Finding the stones wasn't difficult, but creating a beautiful bracelet was. We have no influence over the color colors, and the result can be unappealing when the stones are combined. I attempted, and my husband tried, but we were unsuccessful. When my eldest daughter came to visit, she was unwittingly playing with the fertility bracelet stones on our board when she was chatting. We glanced down, and there it was: a lovely pregnancy ring, and a lovely pregnant daughter a couple weeks later!

The story gets better: a few months back, we were in Toronto for The Total Health Show. At the time, my daughter, who was only beginning to demonstrate, was assisting at the booth. One of the ladies who was looking at our healing bracelets picked up the fertility bracelet. I joked, pointing to my daughter, that she should be careful with the bracelet because it "works." “I remember, I purchased one a few months ago,” she said, turning sideways and confidently revealing her baby bump. This bracelet is one of our most iconic and has a long track record of success.

Crystal Bracelets with Birthstones

Created with crystals and gemstones carefully chosen for their conventional, modern, astrological, magical, and good luck associations with the month by their traditional, modern, astrological, mystical, and good luck frequencies. This is a fantastic birthday present idea. You can even stack them with the birthdays of your loved ones!

How to Heal with Crystal and Gemstone Jewelry

You will use crystals to adorn the body, which is one of the most appealing facets of dealing with them. Crystal jewelry is an elegant and inconspicuous way to work with crystals' healing ability, and it's becoming increasingly fashionable.

Crystal jewelry is an excellent gateway to the field of crystal therapy because it appeals to a vast range of personal tastes. Crystals make beautiful gifts, and most people, whether or not they believe in their healing abilities, love wearing crystal jewelry and learning about their energetic properties.

Working with crystal jewelry is a highly effective energy healing method that is often ignored. You are practically sucking up the energy of crystal jewelry and accessories every day – or for as long as you wear them!

What comes first, fashion or...?

I'd like to stress that you don't have to be concerned with whether the crystals you're carrying are compatible with the goal you're pursuing in life. It's perfectly acceptable to choose crystal jewelry based on your personal style tastes, OOTD (outfit of the day), or habit!

Over all, whether or not our wedding jewelry aligns with our current aspirations, the majority of us will continue to wear it. Diamonds, sapphires, and most gemstones, on the other hand, are strong energetic allies for boosting your personal energy as well as the energy of your intentions!

As long as you try to cleanse your diamond and gemstone jewelry on a daily basis, you will continue to reap the rewards of their subtle healing properties during the day.

Placements of Crystals and Gemstones

Since your hands are always moving around you, wearing crystals in a bracelet is a perfect way to influence your whole aura.

Wearing crystals as rings will help you influence your work and boost your imagination and productivity. Crystals in rings will also help to stabilize and heal your heart since your Palm Chakras are connected to your Heart Chakra. Can you see the connection between the Heart Chakra and wedding/engagement/promise rings?

The Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra are all located next to the crystals between your ears.

The Throat and Heart Chakras, as well as the Solar Plexus Chakra, can both benefit from crystals worn around the neck.

The Root and Earth Star (Foot) Chakras are balanced by ankle and toe jewels.

Tap here to read more about how your Chakras influence you!

If you're something like me, anklets, toe rings, and rings in general (aside from my wedding rings) make you feel uneasy. And if that's the case, don't wear them!

For you to profit from the crystals, they don't have to be right next to the chakra you're trying to influence; note, it's your purpose to tap into the crystal's soothing properties that initiates the method.

Bracelets and a few necklaces make up my healing jewelry collection. I will, however, welcome any and all types of jewelry as gifts.

Body Jewelry: Since body jewelry (nose, eye, lip, navel, etc.) is worn less often, it should be energetically cleansed on a daily basis. Even if the piece contains no crystals, keep in mind the metals provide energy as well. When it comes to piercing hygiene, do use the best practices. Choose protection first (surgical steel, titanium, pure gold, etc.) when it comes to body jewelry, and only incorporate gemstones if the budget allows.

How Can I Heal With Crystal Jewelry?

The Foundation Set

My jewelry is typically layered. I typically wear 1-2 crystal bracelets on a regular basis, and I select them based on my health and fitness needs as well as the overarching theme of my life at the time (e.g., postpartum, back to school/work, holiday, etc.). They're what I refer to as my "base" crystals. I'll wear them every day for a few weeks and then move to a new base collection until I feel like I can "keep my own" energetically.

The Next Layer (s)

Depending on what I'm doing that day, I could add another piece or two. Consider the following examples:

I have a "fitness kit" that includes a Smoky Quartz bracelet and a Red Jasper, Tiger's Eye, and Green Aventurine mix bracelet. When I teach lessons, I put this on to increase my energy and endurance.

I wear my Citrine necklace to raise good vibes and repel negativity while meeting with potential customers or teaching a workshop.

I almost always wear Smoky Quartz when I'm having an energy healing session to keep focused and strengthen my aura.

And, on occasion, it's just not practical to wear any jewelry (or I'm just not in the mood to wear any accessories). It's not a big deal in that situation! The aim of crystal therapy is to attune your body to a solid and stable vibrational state so that you can pass through life more gracefully, whether or not you have your crystals on you.

A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals (Crystal Crash Course)

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're first learning to work with crystal resources. What kind of stones do you use? What do you do first? What's the best way to make the most of your energy crystals? This Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals solves all of your crystal questions so you can start using your new energy resources right away.

Healing crystals have been used for centuries to channel the life-giving elements of the Earth and the cosmos. Semi-precious stones, which harness the energies of the Sun, Moon, and oceans, instantly bind us to universal energy when we come into contact with them. Many people ask whether crystals have medicinal properties, and although there are numerous anecdotes describing the curative benefits of healing stones, crystal energy affects everyone differently based on their level of receptivity. While the Energy Muse crystal guide contains useful information, it's just as important to make a deliberate effort when dealing with these stones to open your heart and mind to the healing potential of crystals. Your crystal healing journey will be studded with stunning, enigmatic, and special crystals that will shake the world until you begin to unlock the unique power of crystals. With the help of our healing crystals guide, you will tap into an infinite well of divine, mental, and energetic healing.

What will crystals help me with?

Consider your crystal as a companion on your journey, assisting you in achieving your objectives and making meaningful improvements in all aspects of your life. For manifesting your intentions and what you want to build in your life, use the Energy Muse crystal guide with healing healing stones. Since they are tangible, concrete forms with strong vibrations, these otherworldly rocks bind us to the forces we wish to represent. When you wear these purpose crystals close to your skin or put them in your environment, this energy begins to interact with you. These crystals pick up on your special vibrational energies and amplifies the optimistic vibes you're fostering with every thought and purpose.

Crystal energy aids you on your divine path and it acts to carry your purpose and take it out into the cosmos through this magical realm of vibrations. Since the purpose serves as the "task" you send to the crystal, allowing its energies to function with you, working with calming crystals begins with a reflective and positive intention.

How do crystals function?

The power of crystal healing comes from the fact that each crystal has its own vibration. All in life is vibration, as Albert Einstein is said to have said. These energy crystals' movements will realign and re-calibrate your energy with theirs, assisting you in raising your frequency and reaching a higher state of being.

The thesis of IBM scientist Marcel Vogel is one of the first pieces of experimental proof relating to the influence of crystals. He found that when he saw crystals evolve under a microscope, their outline took on the shape of something he was dreaming about. He theorized that these vibrations are caused by the constant assembly and disassembly of molecules' bonds. He also put Clear Quartz's spiritual influence to the test, demonstrating that rocks can preserve thoughts in the same way that tapes capture sound using magnetic energy.

Crystals emit vibrations at a constant frequency, meaning that their vibrations do not change, due to their shape and composition. This is particularly effective because when a crystal comes into contact with someone or someone with a lower vibration, it increases the person or thing's vibration to balance its own. When a crystal makes contact with your body or energy, it attunes you to its higher frequency, allowing you to break through emotional, physical, and metaphysical barriers. This burst of uplifting, constructive energy will mean the difference between darkness and light.

In a certain way, the crystal works for your intentions. The crystal amplifies and magnifies the energies of your goal by holding a deep and constructive energy, allowing you to manifest sooner and more efficiently.

We have the freedom to chose our opinions at any time, and as we embark on our journey, each day brings fresh challenges and exciting new beginnings. Healing crystals remind us to tune out the buzz in our minds and tune in to the Earth's universally healing vibrations. Patience is a valuable lesson to learn from crystals, for dealing with the healing force of crystals takes time, just as it took eons for these semi-precious stones to grow and turn. Using crystals as a reminder to be thankful for Mother Nature's bounty and the great mysteries of the cosmos as you study, rise, and evolve.

What factors do I consider when selecting a crystal?

You may pick a crystal in one of two ways: intuitively or depending on your purpose. If you're not sure what you want to focus on, one of our favorite ways to choose gemstone is to let your instincts lead you to the energies you need. Once you've learned the fundamentals of crystals from our crystals tutorial, you can use your instincts to pick the best healing stones for your spiritual quest by looking at or sensing various gemstones before you're drawn to one or a couple. While it may seem that you select the crystals, crystal experts often claim that the crystals choose you rather than the other way around. Through their brilliant colors or otherworldly forms and designs, they capture your heart and draw you in. Since each crystal has its own vibrational energies, your instincts will lead you to the crystals that are right for you at that particular moment.

Another method for selecting a crystal is to align your intentions with a stone. It also helps to recognise a specific issue or difficulty you're actually facing while exploring how to use energy crystals for optimal well-being. You should combine your purpose with a crystal that has an aura that will help your aim or intention after you've determined what you want to achieve. Here are a few examples of how this should be done: Citrine makes you manifest your desires by channeling the sun's optimistic energies, bringing wealth into your life. Carnelian is a powerful crystal for inspiring creativity. Rose Quartz is a rosy pink crystal that is ideal for love-related intentions and matters of the heart.

Finding the correct stone is similar to every other form of wellness practice. It takes time to calm the mind and figure out what works best for you. Holding the stone in your hand and calmly thinking about your purpose is one way to “test” various crystals. Feel for hot or cold stimuli, pulsations, or feelings of calmness and tranquility. This are all indications that this rock is ideal for your healing needs.

How to Work with Crystals

Crystals can be used in a variety of ways, and once you get more familiar with their powers, you'll be able to tell which ones are best for you. Carrying crystals in your bag or wallet, putting them in your house, meditating with crystals in your hand, or wearing them as crystal jewelry are some of our favorite general ways to use them.

What is the purpose of crystals?

If you want to improve a particular aspect of your life, such as your sex life or your career life, or let go of something that's holding you back, such as anxiety or depression, crystals will be your support net and concrete link to that goal. They serve as a touchstone for you to return to if you need a reminder or want to refocus on your goal. Crystals can be used as an ally or a weapon to help you get where you want to go quicker, no matter what you're focused on.

Black Tourmaline is a versatile gemstone for releasing unwanted behaviors that might have evolved into bad habits if you have trouble letting go of old thoughts that are no longer helping you. It aids in the removal of all harmful energies from the body and energy field. This stone can also be used as a talisman for defense, which is essential if you're someone who picks up on other people's energies quickly. By grounding you and reconnecting your soul to the energies of the Earth, hematite is excellent for deflecting others' depressive moods.

Amethyst is one of the best purpose minerals for relieving tension and restoring equilibrium in your life if you're looking for more tranquility and peace in your life. Moonstone is another gemstone that will help you control your emotions by providing comfort when you're feeling too stressed or out of sync with your feelings. Rose quartz is also beneficial for mental well-being because it unlocks and realigns the heart chakra, amplifying emotions of self-esteem as well as genuine love from others.

They all work to raise the vibrational frequency, whether you're looking for gemstones for their physical appeal or to add harmony and tranquility into your life. If you feel good holding the crystal in your hand or having it brush your skin, or even if you don't notice any immediate effects from your stone, realize that it is emitting beneficial vibrations to assist you in up-leveling and growing.

What is the definition of a goal?

Setting intentions is an important method for promoting peace and well-being when thoughts produce waves in the world. We gain insight into our goals, desires, and ideals when we have a specific goal. It also assists us with staying in the current moment rather than being stuck in pessimistic thought habits. Intentions attract each other like magnets. They attract the things that will help them achieve their goals. A important strategy for finding happiness is setting an intention. Setting goals that correspond with your ideals, desires, and meaning is the first step in creating an intention.

1. Decide what is important to you. Your ideals guide your decisions, and if you want to be fulfilled, you'll need to figure out what really matters to you.

2. Examine the aspects of your life that need improvement. Consider if you can strengthen your personal relationships, professional life, social life, faith, fitness, and culture.

3. Be clear about what you want to do, when you want to accomplish it, and why you want to accomplish it.

4. Make your intentions a reality. In the following pages, you'll be asked to write down those routines. Write them in the present tense, as if they're unfolding right now, and then affirm what you want. You should also write down your aim, or what you want to do in the end. Put some emotion into it!

I've got my crystal. So, what do I do now?

Setting your purpose, or programming your crystal, is one of the most critical, and frequently underestimated, phases in learning to use crystals for fitness, balance, abundance, or some other aim. To put it another way, you must give your crystal a job and a reason! Crystals want to help you, but you must give them instructions. Your intentions can be thrown out the window when you're vibrating at a lower pitch. When you re-establish contact with your programmed crystal, it will remind you of your objectives and infinite ability.

It's easy to program your crystal. The first thing you can do is cleanse your crystal. You have the freedom to pick your own clearing form and what resonates with you the most. Here are a few of our favorite ways to cleanse and clear your gemstone' energy:

Sun/Moon: For at least 4 hours, expose the crystal to the light of the sun or the full moon.

Sound: Listen to Tibetan singing bowls, the Om mantra, or Beethoven's Fifth Symphony by downloading and playing it. You can also use our free high-vibrational music clearing playlist.

Using the smoke from a smoking sage stick, Frankincense resin, or Copal incense, immerse your crystal healing jewelry.

Bury your crystal in the ground and allow it to be recharged with Earth energy.

Other crystals: To remove and cleanse any stuck energy, place it on top of a Selenite plate or in a Selenite cup.

Keep the healing or healings in your hands after cleansing, shut your eyes, and take three deep breaths. Then, when you're in this loving, light-filled room, ask for your crystal to be cleansed of any unnecessary energy or programming.

What is the best way to combine crystals with a constructive mantra?

“I suggest that the highest pulse of love and light communicate with my highest self to clear any unnecessary energies or any prior programming,” say aloud or in your mind. This crystal is activated by me. “I order that this crystal retain the purpose of...” Finish the sentence by stating your crystal's intention—the energy and aim you want it to bear for you. Three times repeat your goal, and three times repeat “thank you.” You stress that what you're looking for actually happens in the world by repeating it three times.

What are the 10 crystals that every beginner requires, according to the Energy Muse Crystals Guide?

Our therapeutic crystals guide contains 10 strong and important purpose crystals for fostering balance, harmony, and peace of mind if you're just getting started with crystals. How do crystals function? Here's how to do it:

The Benefits of Clear Quartz and How to Do It

Clear quartz is one of the easiest stones for beginners to collect if you're thinking "what are crystals used for?" This crystal amplifies your purpose, even more, making it a must-have for any crystal series. It's probably the most adaptable because it amplifies the sounds of the gemstone around it. Clear quartz crystals, in particular, are often used to cleanse and re-energize crystals. This is due to its potent cleansing properties and ability to dispel toxic energy blockages.

This stone's influence not only removes your own energy field, but it also assists you in being crystal-clear about what you desire and how to get it, helping you to manifest as never before.

Sit comfortably with the stone and let the good energies it emits fill the body. For Clear Quartz, use the following crystal intention: I am unmistakable.

What is Selenite and How Can I Use It?

Selenite is a good cleansing stone and it maintains a positive vibrational connection between you and the other rocks in your range, making it an excellent crystal for beginners. This crystal cleanses and purifies your energy, other crystals, and your surroundings, ensuring that it vibrates at the highest possible level.

Through transferring Selenite down the body from the top of your head to your bottom, you can quickly expel toxic energies from the body and clear the atmosphere surrounding you. Rep this cleansing ritual until you feel totally revitalized and full of good energy. After that, you'll be returned to your natural state of equilibrium and be shielded by a white glow that binds you to the world. For Selenite, use the following crystal intention: I've been cleansed.

What is Shungite and How Can I Use It?

Shungite is one of the rarest stones on the planet, and it contains antioxidants that give it powerful healing powers, including immunity against harmful negative energies. It's one of the strongest stones for mind, body, and soul detoxification. Shungite is also our go-to stone for EMF (electromagnetic fields) defense from technology and electronics. Since this healing stone has such many effects on the body, it's best to ease into it.

Place a piece of Shungite near your phone, wireless hub, or other electronic devices in your house. To - the effects of EMFs, we suggest putting a piece of Shungite on your phone. For Shungite, use the following intention: Detoxify me, please.

Amethyst and Its Applications

Amethyst, which is known for its strong spiritual powers, is an excellent stone to use as décor in the home because of its aesthetic quality and soothing properties. The amethyst crystal is one of the most effective stones for increasing empathy and self-awareness, as well as providing a calm and calming atmosphere to relieve stress, concern, and discomfort.

Meditate with amethyst to communicate with your inner peace and relax while reflecting on your intention. In yoga and meditation, this stone can also be used as a supplementary healing aid. For Amethyst, use the following crystal intention: I am at rest.

How to Work for Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline, one of the most strong stones for defense, serves as an energetic bodyguard, creating an energetic boundary and protecting you from excessive energy. It operates by removing the lower vibrational energy in the environment so that you are not affected.

To keep its protective energy nearby and keep negative vibes at bay, place Black Tourmaline on either side of your front door or take it with you. For Black Tourmaline, use the following crystal intention: I am healthy.

Carnelian and Its Applications

The Carnelian crystal's vivid colors are a perfect reflection of this stone's fiery and vibrant energy. Carnelian gives you the courage to smash through energetic barriers because it is one of the strongest stones for igniting excitement and tapping into your artistic spirit. It motivates you to take part in your artistic endeavors.

Connect with your Carnelian by keeping it nearby or in your pocket when you need a boost of vitality and electricity. For Carnelian, use the following crystal intention: I'm able to tap into my artistic ability.

Rose Quartz and Its Applications

Rose Quartz's warm and gentle energy is ideal for engaging with and opening the spirit. Rose Quartz is a stone that can help with all sorts of intimacy, including friendship, families, intimate partners, and even self-love.

Place Rose Quartz over your heart to bring soothing sensations to this energy source. For Rose Quartz, use the following crystal intention: I am love.

Pyrite and Its Applications

The golden glow of the Pyrite crystal fills you with the energy of luxury and prosperity just by looking at it. This crystal connects you to the energies of prosperity, attracting riches, good fortune, and new prospects, making it the perfect stone for any financial or career goals.

Using the following crystal intention for Pyrite and keep it in your pocket or on your desk: I attract capital like a magnet.

Citrine and Its Applications

Citrine is a stone that harnesses the sun's energies and is infused with light and good energy, which helps to increase your vibration and bring peace into your life. Citrine, one of the most important manifestation crystals, aids in the manifestation of your desires by directing you to send good energies out into the world.

To manifest your wishes even sooner and fill your whole being with good light, place a citrine stone on top of a list of your intentions. For Citrine, use the following crystal intention: I am a beam of light.

The Benefits of Blue Apatite and How to Do It

Blue Apatite is an energizing crystal that inspires you to pursue new goals and take action, especially when it comes to your health and well-being. Sync with your Blue Apatite stone to keep on board with your goals whether you're on a quest to strengthen your mental, physical, or emotional well-being.

Blue Apatite can be placed in your room or carried with you all day. For Blue Apatite, use the following crystal intention: I put my wellbeing first.

Are you about to embark on your crystal adventure? Our Crystal Starter Set includes all ten of these medicinal crystals as well as sage.