
Anna Baranowska-Rataj – HEALFAM project leader (personal website)

Anna works as Professor in Population Studies at the Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR) at Umeå University. Her research interests concern processes at the intersection of labour market, family as well as health of family members. Apart from being the leader of HEALFAM, she also works as co-investigator in FAMWORK financed by the Norwegian Research Council and FAMREG funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund.

Jonas Voßemer (personal website)

Jonas worked as a postdoctoral researcher in HEALFAM, subsequently getting a position of a research fellow at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), and interim professor of Quantitative Analyses of Social Change at the University of Frankfurt. He is interested in the interactions between labor markets, families, and health and well-being. His research is based on a life course perspective and an international comparative approach, mainly using longitudinal data and quantitative methods. 

Björn Högberg (personal website)

Björn worked as a postdoctoral researcher in HEALFAM, currently employed as associate professor at the Department of Social Work at Umeå University, Sweden and he is also affiliated to CEDAR – Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research. His contribution to the project include analysing the effects of parental unemployment on children's health using Swedish register data from Umeå SIMSAM Lab. 

Klara Johansson (personal website)

Klara works as a researcher at the Department of Epidemiology and Global Health. In HEALFAM, she is involved in studies focusing on adolescent health.

Sara Kalucza (personal website)

Sara works as a researcher at the Department of Sociology, Umeå University and a member of Center for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR). Her main research interests are intersections of work, family and mental wellbeing, with a focus on early parenthood. Apart from being a part of the HEALFAM team, she is the project leader of the FORTE funded project "Life course consequences of teenage parenthood: heterogeneity in socio-economic outcomes". In HEALFAM, Sara will be responsible for studies using a sequence analysis design.

Jordi Guma Lao (personal website)

Jordi works as a researcher at the Department of Sociology, Umeå University and a member of Center for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR). His research interests focus on the study of health inequalities from a gender perspective, population aging and intergenerational relations.  In HEALFAM, Jordi examines the effects of young adults' unemployment on health outcomes of parents.

Erika Sandow (personal website)

Erika works as Associate Professor at the Department of Geography and she is also affiliated to CEDAR – Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research. Her main research is related to geographical mobility of the population, such as commuting and migration. In HEALFAM, she investigates how unemployment experienced by young adults affects health of their parents and how geographical distance between the two generations moderates this relationship.

Julia Schröders (personal website)

Julia worked as as a postdoctoral researcher at at the Department of Sociology, Umeå University and a member of Center for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR). In HEALFAM, Julia intended to investigate the effects of young adults' unemployment on health outcomes of parents. 

Gunnar Malmberg (personal website)

Gunnar works as Professor at the Department of Geography and he is also the director at CEDAR – Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research. His research is related to geographical mobility and population ageing. In HEALFAM, he will support studies on how unemployment experienced by adults affects health of their elderly parents and how geographical distance between the two generations moderates this relationship.

Mattias Strandh (personal website)

Mattias works as a Professor at the Department of Social Work at Umeå University. His research interests include reasons and consequences of long term unemployment, health inequalities, and the role of social policies. In HEALFAM, he is involved in studies taking international comparative perspective.