About me


I am data scientist and researcher with a PhD and an academic background in the social sciences. 

As a data scientist, I am looking to develop data-driven and practical solutions for all sorts of empirical questions using Python and R. As a postdoctoral researcher, I study the interactions between labor markets, families, and health using an international comparative approach and advanced quantitative methods. [Learn more about my academic research]

As an experienced data analyst and teacher, I also offer workshops and courses on various quantitative methods and applied topics. [Learn more about my teaching]

Before heading into the world of data science, I have worked in various positions in academia in Germany and abroad. I have been a postdoctoral research fellow at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) and in the European research project HEALFAM at Umeå University in Sweden as well as as an Interim Professor of Sociology specializing in Quantiative Analyses of Social Change at the Institute of Sociology at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. 

During my PhD I have worked in the European research project EXCEPT and as researcher and teaching associate at the University of Bamberg and the University of Oldenburg. [Learn more about my curriculum vitae]

ORCID - Google Scholar - OSF - Publons - Research Gate

Dr. Jonas Voßemer
Data scientist and
postdoctoral researcher