Academic research

Research interests - Publications - Presentations and workshops -
Professional services - Academic memberships

Research interests


Social stratification, international comparative approach


Labor markets, families, and health


Longitudinal data analysis, methods of modern causal analysis, multilevel analysis of comparative micro data



Voßemer, J. (2019). The economic and non-economic consequences of job loss, unemployment, and inadequate re-employment in Germany and Europe. Bamberg: opus. doi: 10.20378/irbo-5454
Postprint (open access)


(*) SSCI-listed


Högberg, B., Baranowska-Rataj, A., & Voßemer, J. (2023).  Intergenerational effects of parental unemployment on infant health: Evidence from Swedish register data. European Sociological Review , 1-14. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcad005 (*)
Postprint (open access)


Heyne, S., & Voßemer, J. (2022). Gender, unemployment, and subjective well-being: Why do women suffer less from unemployment than men? European Sociological Review, 116. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcac030 (*)


Scheuring, S., Voßemer, J., Baranowska-Rataj, A., & Tattarini, G. (2021). Does fixed-term employment have spillover effects on the well-being of partners? A panel data analysis for East and West Germany. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 3001-3021. doi: 10.1007/s10902-020-00353-2 (*)
Postprint (open access)


Högberg, B., Voßemer, J., Gebel, M., & Strandh, M. (2019). Unemployment, wellbeing and the moderating role of education policies: A multilevel study. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 60(4), 269–291. doi: 10.1177/0020715219874386 (*)

Voßemer, J., & Heyne, S. (2019). Unemployment and housework in couples: Task-specific differences and dynamics over time. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81(5), 1074–1090. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12602 (*)

Voßemer, J. (2019). Losing standard employment in Germany: The consequences of displacement and dismissal for workers’ subsequent careers. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 63, 100420. doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2019.100420 (*)

Voßemer, J. (2019). The effects of unemployment on non-monetary job quality in Europe: The moderating role of economic situation and labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 144(1), 379–401. doi: 10.1007/s11205-018-2044-7 (*)
Postprint (open access on RG)


Voßemer, J., Gebel, M., Nizalova,  O. & O. Nikolaieva (2018). The effect of an early-career involuntary job loss on later life health in Europe. Advances in Life Course Studies, 35, 69–76. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2018.01.001 (*)
Postprint (open access)

Voßemer, J., Gebel, M., Täht, K., Unt, M., Högberg, M. &  M. Strandh (2018). The effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on well-being and health: The moderating role of labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 138(3), 1229–1257. doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1697-y (*)
Postprint (open access)


Voßemer, J. & B. Schuck (2016). Better overeducated than unemployed? The short- and long-term effects of an overeducated labor market re-entry. European Sociological Review, 32(2), 251–265. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcv093 (*)
Postprint (open acess)


Gebel, M. & J. Voßemer (2014). The impact of employment transitions on health in Germany. A difference-in-differences propensity score matching approach. Social Science & Medicine, 108, 128–136.  doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.02.039 (*)

Working papers

Högberg B., Baranowska-Rataj, A., & Voßemer, J. (2021). Intergenerational effects of parental unemployment on infant health: Evidence from Swedish register data. CEDAR Working Papers 2021: 20.
Postprint (open access)

Voßemer, J., & Baranowska-Rataj, A. (2020). Partner’s unemployment and well-being: the mediating role of relationship quality and stability. CEDAR Working Papers 2020: 4.
Postprint (open access

Gebel M. & Voßemer, J. (2018). Synthesis of findings of WP4: Consequences of labour market insecurity on youth`s well-being and health. In Unt, M. & Gebel, M. (Eds.) Synthesis of the main empirical findings of EXCEPT project, EXCEPT Working Papers, WP No. 57. Tallin University, Tallinn.
Postprint (open access)

Baranowska-Rataj, A. et al. (2016). Interdependencies between labour market insecurity and well-being - evidence from panel data. EXCEPT Working Papers, WP No. 8. Tallinn University, Tallinn.
Postprint (open access)

Athanasiades, C. et al (2016). Report on the impact of the institutional setting and policies on well-being and health of youth in insecure labour market positions in EU-28 an Ukraine. EXCEPT Working Papers, WP No. 7. Tallinn University, Tallinn.
Postprint (open access)

Voßemer, J. & N. Eunicke (2015). The impact of labor market exclusion and job insecurity on health and well-being among youth - a literature review. EXCEPT Working Papers, WP No 2. Tallinn University, Tallinn.
Postprint (open access)

Please request my CV or see my Google Scholar profile for more details.

Presentations and workshops (current and last year)

06/2022 "Do parental job displacements lead to worse children‘s birth outcomes when there is more unemployment around?", University of Bamberg

10/2021 "Growing educational inequalities in subjective well‐being across the life course, ECSR conference (online)

06/2021 "Growing educational inequalities in subjective well‐being across the life course, RC28 conference, University of Turku (online)

Please request my CV for more details.

Professional services

Ad-hoc reviews

Advances in Life Course Research (*)
American Journal of Sociology (*)
BMC Public Health (**)
Education Economics
European Journal of Industrial Relations (*)
European Sociological Review (*)
International Journal of Comparative Sociology (*)
International Journal of Social Welfare
Journal of Marriage and Family  (*)
Journal of Youth Studies (*)
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (*)
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health (*) (**)
Social Forces (*)
Social Indicators Research (*)
Social Policy & Administration (*)
Social Science Research (*)
The European Journal of Health Economics (*)
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research
Work and Occupations (*)
Work, Employment & Society (*)

(*) SSCI-listed, (**) SCIE-listed

Please see my Publons profile for more details.

Professional services and workshops

07/2022 Employee representative in the study commission (Studienkommission) of the School of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim

11/2019 Organization of the ECSR network workshop “Labor market insecurity and health of family members”, University of Bamberg

02/2016 Organization of the 3.  EXCEPT workshop, University of Bamberg

09/2015 Reviewer of abstracts for the 2015 Annual BAGSS Conference, University of Bamberg

Academic memberships

Akademie für Soziologie, ECSR, ISA-RC28