

Becoming a member of Headway Lincolnshire

Being a Member of Headway Lincolnshire gives you an input into the strategic direction of the Charity through your vote at general meetings. The generous support of our members enables us to provide a wide range of activities within the community.

Membership runs from AGM - AGM, however someone is able to become a member at any time during the year.

Please email for a membership form

Categories of Headway Lincolnshire Membership:

  • Individual – For those who have had a brain injury, their family members or carers, or anyone who is keen to support the work of Headway Lincolnshire. The annual membership fee for this category is £15.00 and an individual member is entitled to one vote.

  • Corporate Membership – For more details about corporate membership please see Ways to work with Headway or contact Anne-Marie at

Headway Lincolnshire members receive:

  • A brain injury survivor card (if applicable);

  • Up to date information on the work of Headway Lincolnshire;

  • Up to date information about services for the brain injured, developments in rehabilitation, national and international events and fundraising activities;

  • Information on brain injury, specific to individual needs, on request;

  • Details of our forthcoming events and an entitlement to a discount at some events;

  • Corporate members also receive advance notification of corporate sponsorship opportunities

Membership Form

Individual Membership Form Headway Lincolnshire 2021 - 2022.doc