Sources of Support in Lincolnshire

At a glance, useful contact numbers in Lincolnshire.

Headway Lincolnshire

Tel: 07546 592 526


Lincolnshire County Council Adult Social Care

Tel: 01522 782 155

ICAS – (Independent Complaints Advocacy Service)

ICAS can help and assist in making a complaint against the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust. This independent organisation can offer support free of charge.

Tel: 0808 802 3000

The Carers Team

Tel: 01522 782224

Rehabilitation Medicine Services

Tel North Lincolnshire: 01522 573 926

Tel South Lincolnshire: 01522 573 554

Community Outreach Teams

Tel North Lincolnshire: 01522 573 698

Tel South Lincolnshire: 01476 464 971

Citizens Advice Bureau

Advice Line Lincolnshire: 08444 111 444


Total Voice provides free, independent and confidential advocacy services in Lincolnshire to people who cannot speak up for themselves, or people who feel that they do not have the power to do so.

Tel: 01522 706580

At United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust

Lincoln County Hospital

Tel: 01522 512512

Boston Pilgrim Hospital

Tel: 01205 364801

Grantham & District Hospital

Tel: 01476 565232

Chaplaincy team

The Hospital Chaplaincy is comprised of a team of full-time and part-time Chaplains. The Chaplains are assisted by a team of volunteer ward visitors. The Chaplains are available for any patient, relative or friend and aim to respect individual beliefs and to be supportive to all, of any religious faith or none.


Customer Service Team

The customer service team offers support and a wide variety of information and advice to patients, carers and visitors. It can help to resolve problems or concerns through liaison with hospital staff. It can also guide people through the hospital complaints process or signpost to external independent advocacy services if more appropriate.

Tel: 01522 573969
