The Heuristics-and-Biases Inventory

Welcome to the Heuristics-and-Biases Inventory (HBI) homepage! 

The HBI is an open source catalogue of over 40 individual difference measures commonly used in heuristics-and-biases research (OSF link). It was developed by Vincent Berthet and Vincent de Gardelle

The HBI is a list of already published measures. Therefore, we do not hold copyright to any of these measures, and our permission is not required to use them. You may use the items reported on this website in your research project as long as you properly cite and reference the source(s). 

Please cite our paper to acknowledge use of the HBI: 

Berthet, V., & de Gardelle, V. (2023). The heuristics-and-biases inventory: An open-source tool to explore individual differences in rationality. Frontiers in psychology, 14:1145246.

The HBI is a collaborative and evolutive repository. Please contact us to submit or suggest a new measure.

The HBI is intended to be used as a tool for scientific research, but not for commercial purposes.