Curriculum Vitae

Hayato Yoshioka - PhD Student (University of Tokyo) 2024 May. updated

Summary  -   PhD in Bioinformatics

I am a PhD student studying bioinformatics at AgroParisTech and the University of Tokyo. Through the joint research project, I am supervised by Dr. Tristan Mary-Huard and Dr. Julie Aubert from the French side and Dr. Hiroyoshi Iwata from the Japanese side.

I mainly study the plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere through multi-omics analysis, including genome, metagenome, and metabolome. We are trying to understand the networks among plants and microorganisms by developing a new genomic prediction model with multi-omics data. Also, we are developing a new latent variable model for yield prediction and elucidating the plant-microbe interactions. (For details, see "Research")


Feb. 2023 - Present

Research fellow (Ph.D. Joint Research Program) in UMR MIA Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, INRAE 

Apr. 2022 - Present 

Ph.D. Course in Department of Agricultural and Environmental Biology, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo (Lab. of Biometry and Bioinformatics)

Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2022

Master Course in Department of Agricultural and Environmental Biology, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo (Lab. of Plant Breeding and Genetics

Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020

Major in Applied Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo (From the 4th grade, Belonged to Lab. of Plant Breeding and Genetics)

Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2018

College of Arts and Science (Junior Division), The University of Tokyo

Apr. 2013 - Mar 2016

Ichikawa Highschool


Apr. 2022 - Oct. 2022

  Support Engineer at Microsoft Japan 

Apr. 2020 - Present

  Teaching Assistant in Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Aug. 2021 - Sep. 2021 

  Internship at Microsoft Japan

Grants / Awards

Nov. 2023 - (Oct. 2024)

Research Fellow of BGF (Bourses du Gouvernement Français; French Government Scholarship)

Apr. 2023 - (Mar. 2025)

Research Fellow of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) DC2

Mar. 2022 

Awarded as "An Excellent Student" by JASSO Scholarship Organization

Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2022

JASSO Scholarship Student


Yoshioka H, Kimura K, Ogo Y, Ohtsuki N, Nishizawa-Yokoi A, Itoh H, Toki S and Izawa T (2021)  Real-Time Monitoring of Key Gene Products Involved in Rice Photoperiodic Flowering. Front.  Plant Sci. 12:766450. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.766450 (IF= 6.627)

Helliwell, C., Melzer, S., Pineiro, M., Coupland, G., eds. (2022) Photoperiod Control of Growth and Reproduction. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88976-652-9 (IF= 6.627)

Yoshioka H and Izawa T. (2022) Development of in vivo monitoring system for proteins regulating photoperiodic flowering (Master Thesis)

Yoshioka H and Izawa T. (2020) Development of real-time monitoring of key gene products involved in rice photoperiodic flowering by Deep Learning (Bachelor Thesis)


Yoshioka H et al. (2024) A Machine Learning Approach to Improve Yield Prediction Model with Multi-omics Data" The 55th Journées de Statistique de la SFdS, France.

Yoshioka H et al. (2022) “Modeling of plant-microbe interactions using multi-omics data" The 138th Japanese Society of Breeding Meeting, Japan.

Yoshioka H and Izawa T. (2022) “Development of in vivo monitoring system for proteins regulating photoperiodic flowering with Deep Learning.” Selection Symposium, John Innes Centre, UK. 

Yoshioka H and Izawa T. (2022) “Development of in vivo monitoring system for proteins regulating photoperiodic flowering with Deep Learning.” Human Frontier Science Program, USA, Italy & Japan.

Yoshioka H and Izawa T. (2022) “Development of in vivo monitoring system for proteins regulating photoperiodic flowering with Deep Learning.” Selection Symposium, Max Planck MPIPZ, Germany.

