DSLR Astrophotography


The DSLR (or more accurately - mirrorless digital camera) on hand is an Olympus E-M10 Mark II. This camera is far from being labelled the first choice of astrophotographers - that most often attached to Canon or Nikon brands. Rare references to using the Olympus E-M10 for astrophotography seemed to be born out of specialisation in that brand - or because it is the camera on hand for 'normal' photography. That is the situation here at HawkASTRO - where the E-M10 was purchased some years prior for normal photography.

It is extremely unlikely that a Canon or Nikon model will be purchased in the future due to cost - more likely funds will be invested in cameras specifically made for astrophotography. In the mean-time the E-M10 will be used for gaining experience in the many aspects of astrophotography. Various exercises to that end will be added below.


Olympus E-M10 Mark II Information

Some details about the camera.

First Moon Images - Olympus E-M10 Mark II

Before launching into the more difficult subjects for astrophotography it is useful to begin with easier targets. Taking Moon images is a good introduction to the challenges associated with astrophotography. The brightness of the Moon lends assistance to gaining experience of such aspects as shutter speed and ISO settings.

Also the challenges of framing (pointing) the image on an object in the night-sky hampered by darkness is good initial training.

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