MUN Academy

2024 Will be Launched in March

We are delighted to continue our very own MUN Academy, an exciting training programme constructed to prepare future delegates and chairs, helping them gain the skills and confidence to embark on their MUN journeys.  

For delegates, the planned schedule consists of two workshops, with the delegates learning the MUN procedure, receiving advice from chairs and experienced delegates, getting to grips with the used terminology, meeting other delegates and much more.

As for the chairs, the MUN Academy consists of a one-day workshop into the procedure of being a chair and communicating with the delegates.


Session 1, What is MUN and how does it go.mp4

Session 1

What is MUN and how does it go?

Session 2, Experienced Delegates talk and q&

Session 2

Hearing an insight from experienced MUNers 

Session 3, Understanding the Secret Language of MUN.mp4

Session 3

Understanding the Secret Language of MUN

Session 4, Developing research, writing and debating skills.mp4

Session 4

Developing Research, Writing and Debating skills

Session 5, mini-MUN simulation workshop.mp4

Session 5

Mini-MUN simulation workshop (disclaimer: MUN command was not utilised within this workshop, so the actual conference may differ slightly)