Welcome to General Assembly

What is GA?

The United Nations General Assembly (GA) is tasked with creating and reinforcing policies for the United Nations. In the General Assembly, all member states of the UN are provided with a voice and equal vote when it comes to discussing major international issues taking place around the world and the possible actions taken to rectify them. The General Assembly is also responsible for making significant decisions for the UN, such as appointing their National Budget, and appointing members of the UN. 

The topic under discussion for the GA this year is: 

 "Investigating the socio-political and economic effects of nuclear weaponry in consideration of international relations and global conflicts"

GA Under-Secretaries message: 

Dear Delegates and Chairs, 

We are delighted to welcome you to the committee of the General Assembly at HASTMUN 2024. Today's world is governed predominantly by conflicts, largely accredited to the introduction of nuclear weaponry, in turn causing devastating socio-economic and economic effects. During this conference, we highly encourage you to create new ideas and resolutions regarding a solution to the problems in our global society.  The General Assembly helps to achieve freedom of speech and ideas, thus we hope that each delegate embodies these principles within their approach to the topic and the conference. We hope that this conference provides you with invaluable experiences and knowledge whilst enhancing your collaboration and problem-solving skills.

Raymond Pineda and Mariyam Olzhas

Under-Secretaries of GA

During the MUN Conference

During the conference, delegates will be given a country in which they will represent in arguments and debates that are based on this year's theme “Protecting the World’s Interests” presenting their ideas during the discussions that will be taking place. We highly encourage all the delegates to share and speak about their thoughts and opinions on real-world issues the world is facing. This is an opportunity for you to explore the global issues we have in our world. 

GA Study Guide: 

General Assembly Research Guide

We Look Forward to Seeing You!