
Greetings from the Secretary-General

Dear Delegates and MUN Directors, 

It is my honour to invite you all to join us at the 4th annual Model United Nations conference organised by Haileybury Astana

Our main goal is to empower young delegates to express themselves and hone their debating skills as they partake in the exchange of knowledge with people from different cultural backgrounds and world views. We want to provide an opportunity for young people to examine global issues, discuss viable solutions, and come to a consensus through negotiations. We are certain that the skills gained during this conference will accompany the students through their university and adult lives

We decided that the focal point of our conference is going to be the way communities tackle international adversity. Hence, the overarching conference theme for this year is: Protecting the World's Interests".

Whether you are an experienced delegate or a complete beginner, everyone is kindly invited to participate in the HASTMUN Conference. However, to make the event more efficient and effective for all delegates, the committees will be divided by experience level. 

We are also delighted to continue our MUN Academy training programme. It is constructed by HASTMUN specifically to prepare future delegates and chairs to embark on their MUN journeys. Beginners are very encouraged to sign up as it will be going over all the requirements of an MUN including: writing position papers, resolutions, proper debate procedures, and award selection training for the chairs.  More information on the MUN Academy will come shortly. 

For any clarifications, please contact zgyenge@haileyburyastana.kz.

We look forward to seeing you at our conference in April 2024

Zsofia Gyenge 

Secretary-General of HASTMUN 2024

2024 Registration Forms

Delegates: https://forms.gle/JZDpsxvefJvUVUAU9

Chairs: https://forms.gle/2XBgiK1NgzhsvxG3A

Haileybury Astana has a history of stellar involvement in Model United Nations, taking part in various conferences across the globe and numerous delegates winning awards. 

More information about this year's conference can be accessed here.

More photos can be viewed here.