
Harvard Aikikai is a student organization dedicated to teaching members of the Harvard University community (undergraduates, graduates, faculty, staff, and alumni) about the principles and techniques of Aikido.

All experience levels are welcome, so come visit a class! You could watch, but it's more fun to participate; just wear comfortable work-out clothing and bring a registration form. To stay informed, sign up for our announcements-only mailing list.

Join Us for Practice

Please be patient as our schedule gets finalized for the fall semester. Current working schedule:

Thursdays from 7:00-8:00pm @ Pfoho Basement

Fridays from 6:00pm-8:00pm @ New England Aikikai (still being finalized)

Saturdays from 1:00-3:00pm @ Pfoho Basement

The Thursday and Saturday practices will currently be held in the basement of Pforzheimer House (Pfoho) in the Pfojo. Meet at the door to Pfoho on Quad Access Rd to get directed to the Pfojo location.