USAF Kyu Testing Requirements

We provide this as a guide for our students interested in testing for their kyu or non-black belt ranks. As a USAF affiliated dojo, we require our students to test according to the requirements set by the United States Aikido Federation. Kyu tests are usually held in May and December of each year. Please see here for a printable version.

Harvard Aikikai's 6th Kyu requirements

(Note: slightly different from the USAF 6th kyu requirements)

Ryote-tori Tenchi-nage (omote)

Katate-tori Shiho-nage (omote & ura)

Tsuki Kote-gaeshi

Koho Kaiten: back roll, stand in hanmi

Zenpo Kaiten: forward roll, stand, tenkan, face uke

Tenkan: alone or with partner

Tenshin with Atemi: alone or with partner

Irimi: alone or with partner

Two additional techniques of your choice

5th Kyu Requirements

(60 days)

Shomen-uchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)

Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage

Katate-tori Shiho-nage (omote & ura)

Ryote-tori Tenchi-nage

Tsuki Kote-gaeshi

Ushiro Tekubi-tori Kote-gaeshi

Morote-tori Kokyu-ho

4th Kyu Requirements

(80 days from previous test)

Shomen-uchi Nikyo (omote & ura)

Yokomen-uchi Shiho-nage (omote & ura)

Tsuki Irimi-nage

Ushiro Tekubi-tori Sankyo (omote & ura)

Ushiro Ryokata-tori Kote-gaeshi

Suwari Waza:

Shomen-uchi Ikkyo

Kata-tori Nikyo (omote & ura)

Kata-tori Sankyo

3rd Kyu Requirements

(100 days from previous test)

Yokomen-uchi Irimi-nage (2 ways)

Yokomen-uchi Kote-gaeshi

Tsuki Kaiten-nage

Ushiro Ryokata-tori Sankyo (omote and ura)

Morote-tori Irimi-nage (2 ways)

Shomen-uchi Sankyo (omote and ura)

Suwari Waza:

Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage

Shomen-uchi Nikyo (omote & ura)


Katate-tori Shiho-nage

Katate-tori Kaiten-nage (uchi & soto mawari/omote & ura)

2nd Kyu Requirements

( 200 days from previous test)

Shomen-uchi Shiho-nage

Shomen-uchi Kaiten-nage

Yokomen-uchi Gokyo

Ushiro Tekubi-tori Shiho-nage

Ushiro Tekubi-tori Juji-nage

Ushiro Kubi-shime Koshi-nage - two ways

Morote-tori Nikyo


Shomen-uchi Irimi-nage

Katate-tori Nikyo

Yokomen-uchi Kote-gaeshi

Randori (2 persons)

1st Kyu Requirements

(300 days from previous test)

Kata-tori Men-uchi (5 Techniques)

Yokomen-uchi (5 Techniques)

Morote-tori (5 Techniques)

Shomen-uchi (5 Techniques)

Ryote-tori (5 Techniques)

Koshi-nage (5 Techniques)


Hanmi-handachi Ushiro Waza - (5 Techniques)

Randori (3 persons)

*As yudansha tests are few and far between and are taken at the regional seminars, we have not listed the requirements for the dan rankings.