Club Membership

Harvard Aikikai is a student organization dedicated to teaching members of the Harvard community the philosophy and techniques of aikido. Undergraduates, graduates, alumni, and Harvard staff of all experience levels are all welcome. For Fall 2021, our club plans to offer three classes a week, taught by 3 experienced instructors. In addition to this, we also hold social outings, host our own seminar, and take annual trips to other university chapters.

To become a member, please email to talk to an officer and join our mailing list. If you are curious, please feel free to attend any of our on-campus classes as a first timer to get a feel for Aikikai and our club. If you would like to become a member, we hope you can on average attend two practices per week of your choosing, and club dues are $40 per semester (hardship waiver is available - please let us know).

Class Schedule

Our weekly practice schedule for Fall 2022 is in flux, but the current schedule is as follows:

      • Weekday evening class @ QRAC (day and time for Fall 2022 TBD)

      • Fridays from 6:00pm-8:00pm @ New England Aikikai (still being finalized)

      • Sundays from 1:00-3:00pm @ QRAC

On-campus practices will be held in the QRAC (Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center). Practices will be downstairs from the entrance to the building in racquetball court 1 (the room with all the mats down the stairs from the locker rooms).

Friday classes take place at New England Aikikai (NEA). For finding these locations, the maps below are helpful. E-mail us with questions at harvardaikikai-at-gmail-dot-com.

Classes are run through the normal academic schedule, and we are off during school holidays when the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center is closed.

New England Aikikai

Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center

Malkin Athletic Center

Our Calendar


To participate in a class, students may wear a gi or comfortable work-out clothes (a long-sleeve shirt and pants, no belts or zippers). However, classes at the NEA require a gi. Students may purchase a gi when we place orders in the beginning of the fall and spring semester. Please talk to an officer if you have additional questions.

Registration Forms

Prior to participating in a class, please print and submit the following form signed to an officer or instructor.

(We are aware this form is from 2019-2020. You can use this form for now, until we are able to update for the current year.)

HA fall registration 2019-2020.docx