Harvard Aikikai Library

While the number of books on Aikido were limited for a long time, in recent years numerous books on Aikido have been published and many older ones have gone out of print. This situation makes it difficult for any student of Aikido, whether casual or serious, to keep up with what is available. To that end, the Harvard Aikikai created the Harvard Aikikai Library. This small collection was founded to be a continuing resource dedicated to help enrich the learning experience of Club members by offering them a variety of materials that will introduce them to a greater understanding of the Japanese martial arts culture and history. The following list should not be seen as a "reading list," but rather as a help or guide in the study of the various aspects of the art.

The Harvard Aikikai library is a resource open to members in good standing of the Harvard Aikikai. Items are available for 3-week loans. Any club member interested in borrowing a item should contact the club librarian who will retrieve it for you and have it at the next scheduled practice.

All materials available in the library have been donated by former and current members of the club and any member wishing to donate other books to the club are encouraged to do so. Please contact the club librarian by e-mail if you would like to borrow any of these items or donate anything to the library.
