Scientific Papers

LOWEY S, SLAYTER H, WEEDS AG, BAKER HF (1969) Substructure of the myosin molecule. Journal of Molecular Biology, 42, 1-29.

OFFER GW, BAKER HF, BAKER LA (1972) Interaction of monomeric and polymeric actin with myosin subfragment-1. Journal of Molecular Biology , 66, 435-444.

FRITH CD, BAKER HF, DEAKIN JFW, JOHNSTONE EC, JOSEPH MH (1976) Brain noradrenaline metabolism and psychophysiological variables in chronic schizophrenia. Neuroscience Letters, 3, 1-2.

JOSEPH MH, BAKER HF (1976) The determination of 5-hydroxytryptophan and its metabolites in plasma following administration to man. Clinica Chimica Acta, 72, 125-131.

JOSEPH MH, BAKER HF, JOHNSTONE EC, CROW TJ (1976) Determination of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol conjugates in urine. Application to the study of central noradrenaline metabolism in unmedicated chronic schizophrenic patients. Psychopharmacology, 51, 47-51.

JOSEPH MH, OWEN F, BAKER HF, BOURNE RC (1977) Platelet serotonin concentration and monoamine oxidase activity in unmedicated chronic schizophrenic and in schizoaffective patients. Psychological Medicine, 7 , 159-162.

JOSEPH MH, BAKER HF, LAWSON AM (1978) Positive identification of kynurenine in rat and human brain. Biochemical Society Transactions , 6, 123-126.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1979) Behavioural effects of chronic amphetamine and their reversal by haloperidol in the marmoset (proceedings). British Journal of Pharmacology, 66, 146P-147P.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1979) Increased HVA levels in primate ventricular CSF following amphetamine administration. Brain Research, 167 , 206-209.

CROW TJ, BAKER HF, CROSS AJ, JOSEPH MH, LOFTHOUSE R, LONGDEN A, et al (1979) Monoamine mechanisms in chronic schizophrenia: post-mortem neurochemical findings. British Journal of Psychiatry, 134 , 249-256.

DEAKIN JF, BAKER HF, FRITH CD, JOSEPH MH, JOHNSTONE EC (1979) Arousal related to excretion of noradrenaline metabolites and clinical aspects of unmedicated chronic schizophrenic patients. Journal of Psychiatric Research , 15, 57-65.

JOSEPH MH, BAKER HF, CROW TJ, RILEY GJ, RISBY D (1979) Brain tryptophan metabolism in schizophrenia: a post mortem study of metabolites of the serotonin and kynurenine pathways in schizophrenic and control subjects. Psychopharmacology , 62, 279-285.

JOSEPH MH, BAKER HF, JOHNSTONE EC, CROW TJ (1979) 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol excretion in acutely schizophrenic patients during a controlled clinical trial of the isomers of flupenthixol. Psychopharmacology, 64 , 35-40.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, SCRAGGS PR (1979) The time course of the behavioral effects of amphetamine and their reversal by haloperidol in a primate species. Biological Psychiatry, 14, 753-765.

RIDLEY RM, SCRAGGS PR, BAKER HF (1979) Modification of the behavioural effects of amphetamine by a GABA agonist in a primate species. Psychopharmacology , 64, 197-200.

SCRAGGS PR, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1979) Interaction of apomorphine and haloperidol: effects on locomotion and other behaviour in the marmoset. Psychopharmacology, 66, 41-43.

BAKER HF, JOSEPH MH, RIDLEY RM (1980) HPLC analysis of tryptophan, 5HIAA and HVA using fluorescence and electrochemical detection: the effects of probenecid studied in primate ventricular CSF. British Journal of Pharmacology , 70, 133-134.

JOSEPH MH, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1980) Analysis of CSF amine metabolites and precursors including tryptophan, 5HIAA, and HVA by HPLC using fluorescence and electrochemical detection; the effect of probenecid studied in primates. In: Neurotransmitter Turnover. Edited by C Pycock, P Taberner. London: Croom Helm. 162-167.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, CROW TJ (1980) Behavioural effects of amphetamine and related stimulants; the importance of species differences as demonstrated by a study in the marmoset. In: Amphetamine and Related Stimulants . Edited by J Caldwell. Ohio: CRC Press. 97-116.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, WEIGHT ML (1980) Amphetamine disrupts successive but not simultaneous visual discrimination in the monkey. Psychopharmacology , 67, 241-244.

RIDLEY RM, SCRAGGS PR, BAKER HF (1980) The effects of metoclopramide, sulpiride, and the stereoisomers of baclofen on amphetamine-induced behavior in the marmoset. Biological Psychiatry, 15, 265-274.

RIDLEY RM, WEIGHT ML, HAYSTEAD TA, BAKER HF (1980) "Go here-go there" performance after amphetamine: the importance of the response requirement in successive discrimination. Psychopharmacology, 69, 271-273.

WEIGHT ML, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1980) The effect of amphetamine on delayed response performance in the monkey. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour, 12, 861-864.

CROW TJ, TYRRELL DAJ, BAKER HF, BLOXHAM C, FERRIER IN, JOHNSTONE EC, et al (1981) Detection of a 'virus-like' agent in CSF in patients with schizophrenia, affective psychoses, Huntingtons chorea and some neurological conditions and attempts to demonstrate its transmission. Biological Psychiatry , 59-63.

OWEN F, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, CROSS AJ, CROW TJ (1981) Effect of chronic amphetamine administration on central dopaminergic mechanisms in the vervet. Psychopharmacology, 74, 213-216.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, HAYSTEAD TA (1981) Perseverative behaviour after amphetamine; dissociation of response tendency from reward association. Psychopharmacology, 75, 283-286.

RIDLEY RM, HAYSTEAD TA, BAKER HF (1981) An analysis of visual object reversal learning in the marmoset after amphetamine and haloperidol. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour, 14 , 345-351.

RIDLEY RM, HAYSTEAD TA, BAKER HF (1981) An involvement of dopamine in higher order choice mechanisms in the monkey. Psychopharmacology , 72, 173-177.

RIDLEY RM, HAYSTEAD TA, BAKER HF, CROW TJ (1981) A new approach to the role of noradrenaline in learning: problem- solving in the marmoset after alpha-noradrenergic receptor blockade. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour, 14, 849-855.

BELCHETZ PE, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1982) Studies on the accessibility of prolactin and growth hormone to brain: effect of opiate agonists on hormone levels in serial, simultaneous plasma and cerebrospinal fluid samples in the rhesus monkey. Brain Research, 239, 310-314.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1982) Stereotypy in monkeys and humans. Psychological Medicine, 12, 61-72.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, OWEN F, CROSS AJ, CROW TJ (1982) Behavioural and biochemical effects of chronic amphetamine treatment in the vervet monkey. Psychopharmacology, 78, 245-251.

ANNETT LE, RIDLEY RM, GAMBLE SJ, BAKER HF (1983) Behavioural effects of intracerebral amphetamine in the marmoset. Psychopharmacology, 81, 18-23.

BAKER HF, BLOXHAM C, CROW TJ, DAVIES H, FERRIER IN, JOHNSTONE EC, et al (1983) The viral hypothesis of schizophrenia: some experimental approaches. In: Research on the Viral Hypothesis of Mental Disorders. Edited by P Morozov. Basel: Karger. 1-19.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, CROW TJ, BLOXHAM CA, PARRY RP, TYRRELL DA (1983) An investigation of the effects of intracerebral injection in the marmoset of cytopathic cerebrospinal fluid from patients with schizophrenia or neurological disease. Psychological Medicine, 13, 499-511.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, HAYSTEAD TA, CROW TJ (1983) Further consideration of the learning impairment after aceperone in the marmoset: effects of the drug on shape and colour discrimination and on an alternation task. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour, 18, 701-704.

FLECKNELL PA, PARRY R, NEEDHAM JR, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, BOWES PM (1983) Respiratory disease associated with parainfluenza Type I (Sendai) virus in a colony of marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Laboratory Animals , 17, 111-113.

OWEN F, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, CROSS AJ, CROW TJ (1983) Effect of chronic amphetamine administration on dopaminergic systems in the vervet brain: relationship to findings in the brains of schizophrenics. Biochemical Society Transactions, 11, 68-69.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1983) Is there a relationship between social isolation, cognitive inflexibility and behavioural stereotypy? In: Primate Ethopharmacology: Models of Neuropsychiatric Disease. Edited by KA Miczek. New York: Alan R Liss. 101-136.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, OWEN F, CROSS AJ, CROW TJ (1983) Behavioural and biochemical effects of chronic treatment with amphetamine in the vervet monkey. Neuropharmacology, 22, 551-554.

JOSEPH MH, BAKER HF, BELCHETZ PE (1984) Hormone response to 5HTP: further comments (letter). Psychiatry Research, 12, 349-352.

RIDLEY RM, BARRATT NG, BAKER HF (1984) Cholinergic learning deficits in the marmoset produced by scopolamine and ICV hemicholinium. Psychopharmacology , 83, 340-345.

RIDLEY RM, BOWES PM, BAKER HF, CROW TJ (1984) An involvement of acetylcholine in object discrimination learning and memory in the marmoset. Neuropsychologia, 22, 253-263.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, CROW TJ (1985) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. British Medical Journal, 291, 822-823.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, CROW TJ (1985) Experimental transmission of an autosomal dominant spongiform encephalopathy: does the infectious agent originate in the human genome? British Medical Journal, 291 , 299-302.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, CROW TJ (1985) Transmission studies of neurological and psychiatric disease in the marmoset. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacological and Biological Psychiatry, 9, 307

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, CROW TJ (1985) Virogenes in scrapie and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 78, 970-970.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, DREWETT B, JOHNSON JA (1985) Effects of ibotenic acid lesions of the basal forebrain on serial reversal learning in marmosets. Psychopharmacology, 86, 438-443.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1986) Use of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) in psychopharmacological research. In: Working Methods in Neuropsychopharmacological Research. Edited by MH Joseph, LJ Waddington. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 41-73.

CROW TJ, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1986) Integrated viral genes and the age-dependent onset of neuropsychiatric disease. In: Modern Trends in Aging Research. Edited by Y Courtois. John Libbey Eurotext. 559-563.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, CROW TJ (1986) Transmissible and non-transmissible neurodegenerative disease: similarities in age of onset and genetics in relation to aetiology. Psychological Medicine, 16, 199-207.

RIDLEY RM, MURRAY TK, JOHNSON JA, BAKER HF (1986) Learning impairment following lesion of the basal nucleus of Meynert in the marmoset: modification by cholinergic drugs. Brain Research, 376, 108-116.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, CROW TJ (1987) Transmission studies of psychiatric and neurological disease: some reflections on the nature of the agent in transmissible dementia and the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease. In: Viruses, Immunity and Mental Health. Edited by E Kurstak, ZJ Lipowski, PV Morozov. New York: Plenum Medical. 33-45.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, DREWETT B (1987) Effects of arecoline and pilocarpine on learning ability in marmosets pretreated with hemicholinium-3. Psychopharmacology , 91, 512-514.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1988) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. British Medical Journal, 297, 133

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, FINE A (1988) Transplantation of fetal tissue. British Medical Journal, 296, 1469

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, FRITH CD, DOWDY J, CROW TJ (1988) Stereotyped responding on a two-choice guessing task by marmosets and humans treated with amphetamine. Psychopharmacology, 95, 560-564.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, MURRAY TK (1988) Basal nucleus lesions in monkeys: recognition memory impairment or visual agnosia? Psychopharmacology , 95, 289-290.

RIDLEY RM, SAMSON NA, BAKER HF, JOHNSON JA (1988) Visuospatial learning impairment following lesion of the cholinergic projection to the hippocampus. Brain Research, 456, 71-87.

ANNETT LE, DUNNETT SB, ROGERS DC, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, JENNER P, et al (1989) A behavioural model for studying dopaminergic grafts in the marmoset. In: Neural Mechanisms in Disorders of Movement. Edited by AR Crossman. London: John Libbey. 217-221.

ANNETT LE, RIDLEY RM, GAMBLE SJ, BAKER HF (1989) Social withdrawal following amphetamine administration to marmosets. Psychopharmacology , 99, 222-229.

BAKER HF (1989) The story behind the transmissible dementias. Practical Reviews in Psychiatry, 2, 7-9.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1989) Disruption of the central cholinergic system in animals: models of dementia and amnesia. In: Alzheimer's Disease: Towards an Understanding of the Aetiology and Pathogenesis. Edited by DC Davies. London: John Libbey. 107-124.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, CROW TJ, TYRRELL DA (1989) A re-investigation of the behavioural effects of intracerebral injection in marmosets of cytopathic cerebrospinal fluid from patients with schizophrenia or neurological disease. Psychological Medicine, 19, 325-329.

HSIAO K, BAKER HF, CROW TJ, POULTER M, OWEN F, TERWILLIGER JD, et al (1989) Linkage of a prion protein missense variant to Gerstmann- Straussler syndrome. Nature, 338, 342-345.

OWEN F, POULTER M, LOFTHOUSE R, COLLINGE J, CROW TJ, RISBY D, BAKER HF, et al (1989) Insertion in prion protein gene in familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Lancet, 1, 51-52.

RIDLEY RM, AITKEN DM, BAKER HF (1989) Learning about rules but not about reward is impaired following lesions of the cholinergic projection to the hippocampus. Brain Research, 502, 306-318.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, CROW TJ (1989) Experimental transmission and autosomal dominant inheritance of the Gerstmann-Straussler syndrome. Implications for the genetics and aetiology of neurodegenerative diseases. In: Unconventional Virus Diseases of the Central Nervous System. Edited by LA Court, D Dormont, P Brown, DT Kingsbury. Fontenay-aux-Roses: Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. 123-141.

ANNETT LE, DUNNETT SB, MARTEL FL, ROGERS DC, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF , et al (1990) A functional assessment of embryonic dopaminergic grafts in the marmoset. Progress in Brain Research, 82, 535-542.

BAKER HF (1990) Human spongiform encephalopathy. State Veterinary Journal, 44, 19-30.

BAKER HF, DUCHEN LW, JACOBS JM, RIDLEY RM (1990) Spongiform encephalopathy transmitted experimentally from Creutzfeldt-Jakob and familial Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker diseases. Brain, 113, 1891-1909.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1990) The mystery of CJD unfolds. Medical Monitor, 3(35), 26-28.

OWEN F, POULTER M, SHAH T, COLLINGE J, LOFTHOUSE R, BAKER HF, et al (1990) An in-frame insertion in the prion protein gene in familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Molecular Brain Research, 7, 273-276.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1990) Implications of age of onset for the genetics of schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 28, 455-458.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1990) New neurones for old. Medical Monitor , 3(47), 44-46.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1990) Variable expression in the functional psychoses. A comparison with Huntington's disease. Schizophrenia Research , 3, 201-210.

BAKER HF, POULTER M, CROW TJ, FRITH CD, LOFTHOUSE R, RIDLEY RM, et al (1991) Aminoacid polymorphism in human prion protein and age at death in inherited prion disease. Lancet, 337, 1286-1286.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1991) Human spongiform encephalopathies. Chemistry and Industry, 5, 163-168.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1991) A critical evaluation of monkey models of amnesia and dementia. Brain Research Reviews, 16, 15-37.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1991) Can fetal neural transplants restore function in monkeys with lesion-induced behavioural deficits? Trends in Neurosciences, 14, 366-370.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, FINE A (1991) Cholinergic controversies. Trends in Neurosciences, 14, 482-483.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, POULTER M, LOFTHOUSE R, OWEN F, COLLINGE J, et al (1991) Genetics of human transmissible dementia. In: Sub-acute Spongiform Encephalopathies. Edited by R Bradley, M Savey, B Marchant. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 203-218.

RIDLEY RM, THORNLEY HD, BAKER HF, FINE A (1991) Cholinergic neural transplants into hippocampus restore learning ability in monkeys with fornix transections. Experimental Brain Research, 83, 533-538.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1992) Neural tranplantation in primates: towards brain repair in humans. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 3, 175-190.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1992) The genetics and transmissibility of human spongiform encephalopathy. Neurodegeneration, 1, 3-16.

COLLINGE J, BROWN J, HARDY J, MULLAN M, ROSSOR MN, BAKER HF, et al (1992) Inherited prion disease with 144 base pair gene insertion. 2. Clinical and pathological features. Brain, 115 , 687-710.

CROW TJ, BAKER HF, POULTER M, FRITH CD, LEACH M, LOFTHOUSE R, et al (1992) Familial dementia in relation to the 144 base pair insert and its implications. In: Prion Diseases of Animals and Humans. Edited by SB Prusiner, J Collinge, J Powell, B Anderton. London: Ellis Horwood. 200-214.

FRITH CD, CAHILL C, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1992) Memory for what it is and memory for what it means: a single case of Korsakoff's amnesia. Cortex, 28, 53-67.

POULTER M, BAKER HF, FRITH CD, LEACH M, LOFTHOUSE R, RIDLEY RM, et al (1992) Inherited prion disease with 144 base pair gene insertion. 1. Genealogical and molecular studies. Brain, 115, 675-685.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1992) BSE - a bizarre epidemic. MRC News , 55, 10-11.

RIDLEY RM, GRIBBLE S, CLARK B, BAKER HF, FINE A (1992) Restoration of learning ability in fornix-transected monkeys after fetal basal forebrain but not fetal hippocampal tissue transplantation. Neuroscience , 48, 779-792.

WISNIOWSKI L, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, FINE A (1992) Tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in the nucleus basalis of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Journal of Comparative Neurology, 325, 379-387.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, DUCHEN LW, CROW TJ, BRUTON CJ (1993) Evidence for the experimental transmission of cerebral ß-amyloidosis to primates. International Journal of Experimental Pathology, 74, 441-453.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, DUCHEN LW, CROW TJ, BRUTON CJ (1993) Experimental induction of ß-amyloid plaques and cerebral angiopathy in primates. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 695, 228-231.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, WELLS GAH (1993) Experimental transmission of BSE and scrapie to the common marmoset. Veterinary Record, 132 , 403-406.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1993) Assessing memory in monkeys. In: Behavioural Neuroscience: A Practical Approach. Edited by A Sahgal. Oxford: IRL Press. 149-163.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1993) Behavioral effects of cholinergic grafts. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 695, 274-277.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1993) Genetics of human prion disease. Developments in Biological Standardization, 80, 15-23.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1993) Occupational risk of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Lancet, 341, 641-642.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1993) Prion protein: a different concept of replication. Trends in Neurosciences, 16, 425-426.

RIDLEY RM, CLARK BA, DURNFORD LJ, BAKER HF (1993) Stimulus-bound perseveration after frontal ablations in marmosets. Neuroscience, 52, 595-604.

RIDLEY RM, DURNFORD LJ, BAKER JA, BAKER HF (1993) Cognitive inflexibility after archicortical and paleocortical prefrontal lesions in marmosets. Brain Research, 628, 56-64.

ANNETT LE, MARTEL FL, ROGERS DC, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, DUNNETT SB (1994) Behavioural assessment of the effects of embryonic nigral grafts in marmosets with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway. Experimental Neurology, 125, 228-246.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, DUCHEN LW, CROW TJ, BRUTON CJ (1994) Induction of ß-amyloid in primates by injection of Alzheimer's disease brain homogenate: comparison with transmission of spongiform encephalopathy. Molecular Neurobiology , 8, 25-40.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1994) Cognitive function after intracerebral grafting in monkeys. In: Functional Neural Transplantation. Edited by SB Dunnett, A Björklund. New York: Raven Press Ltd. 327-346.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, ANNETT LE, DUNNETT SB, TORRES EM, FINE A (1994) Behavioral assessment of the ability of intracerebral embryonic neural tissue grafts to ameliorate the effects of brain damage in marmosets. Molecular Neurobiology, 9, 207-223.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, DUNNETT SB, ANNETT LE (1994) Tissue transplants for PD. Neurology, 44, 573-573.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER JA, BAKER HF, MACLEAN CJ (1994) Restoration of cognitive abilities by cholinergic grafts in cortex of monkeys with lesions of the basal nucleus of Meynert. Neuroscience, 63, 653-666.

ALMOND JW, BROWN P, GORE SM, HOFMAN A, WIENTJENS DPWM, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, et al (1995) Creutzfeldt-jakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy: any connection? (Commentaries). British Medical Journal, 311 , 1415-1421.

ANNETT LE, TORRES EM, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, DUNNETT SB (1995) A comparison of the behavioural effects of embryonic nigral grafts in the caudate nucleus and the putamen of marmosets with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions. Experimental Brain Research, 103, 355-371.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1995) Cholinergic grafts in primates. In: Neurobiology of Alzheimer's disease. Edited by D Dawbarn, SJ Allen. Oxford: BIOS Scientific Publishers Limited. 223-247.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1995) Intracerebral transplantation and functional recovery. In: Molecular Neuropathology. Edited by GW Roberts, JM Polak. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 138-155.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1995) The myth of maternal transmission of spongiform encephalopathy. British Medical Journal, 311, 1071-1075.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1995) Who gets Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? British Medical Journal, 311, 1419-1419.

RIDLEY RM, TIMOTHY CJ, MACLEAN CJ, BAKER HF (1995) Conditional learning and memory impairments following neurotoxic lesion of the CA1 field of the hippocampus. Neuroscience, 67, 263-275.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1996) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy: study so far provides no evidence for maternal and horizontal transmission. British Medical Journal, 312, 843

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1996) Prion Diseases. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press Inc.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1996) What went wrong in BSE? From prion disease to public disaster. Brain Research Bulletin, 40, 237-244.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, WELLS GAH, IRONSIDE JW (1996) Spontaneous spongiform encephalopathy in a monkey. Lancet, 348, 955-956.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1996) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy - Aetiology of scrapie in certain circumstances is not evidence against another aetiology in different circumstances. British Medical Journal, 312, 180-180.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1996) No maternal transmission? Nature , 384, 17

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1996) Oral transmission of BSE to primates. Lancet, 348, 1174-1174.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1996) The paradox of prion disease. In: Prion Diseases. Edited by HF Baker, RM Ridley. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press Inc. 1-13.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1996) To what extent is strain variation evidence for an independent genome in the agent of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies? Neurodegeneration, 5, 219-231.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1996) Variation on a theme of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; implications of new cases with a young age at onset. Journal of General Virology, 77, 2895-2904.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, HARDER JA, PEARSON C (1996) Effects of lesions of different parts of the septo-hippocampal system in primates on learning and retention of information acquired before or after surgery. Brain Research Bulletin, 40, 21-32.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, WINDLE CP (1996) Failure to transmit bovine spongiform encephalopathy to marmosets with ruminant-derived meal. Lancet , 348, 56

RIDLEY RM, HARDER JA, BAKER HF (1996) Neurochemical modulation of the hippocampus in learning, remembering and forgetting in primates. Neurodegeneration , 5, 467-471.

RIDLEY RM, PEARSON C, KERSHAW TR, HODGES H, MACLEAN CJ, HOYLE C, BAKER HF (1996) Learning impairment induced by lesion of the CA1 field of the primate hippocampus: attempts to ameliorate the impairment by transplantation of fetal CA1 tissue. Experimental Brain Research, 115, 83-94.

FINE A, HOYLE C, MACLEAN CJ, LEVATTE TL, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1997) Learning impairments following injection of a selective cholinergic immunotoxin, ME20.4 IgG-saporin, into the basal nucleus of Meynert in monkeys. Neuroscience , 81, 331-343.

MACLEAN CJ, BAKER HF, FINE A, RIDLEY RM (1997) The distribution of p75 neurotrophin receptor-immunoreactive cells in the forebrain of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Brain Research Bulletin , 43, 197-208.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1997) Evidence for a specific information processing deficit in monkeys with lesions of the septo-hippocampal system. Cortex , 33, 167-176.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1997) The nature of transmission in prion diseases. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 23, 273-280.

ANNETT LE, TORRES EM, CLARKE DJ, ISHIDA Y, BARKER RA, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, DUNNETT SB, et al (1998) Survival of nigral grafts within the striatum of marmosets with 6-OHDA lesions depends critically on donor embryo age. Cell Transplantation, 6, 556-569.

BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, WELLS GAH, IRONSIDE JW (1998) Prion protein immunohistochemical staining in the brains of monkeys with transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology , 24 , 476-486.

HARDER JA, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (1998) The role of the central cholinergic projections in cognition: Implications of the effects of scopolamine on discrimination learning by monkeys. Brain Research Bulletin, 45 , 319-326.

KENDALL AL, RAYMENT D, TORRES EM, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, DUNNETT SB (1998) Functional integration of striatal allografts in a primate model of Huntington's disease. Nature Medicine, 4, 727-730.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1998) Big decisions based on small numbers: lessons from BSE. The Veterinary Quarterly, 21, 1-7.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1998) Fatal protein: the story of CJD, BSE, and other prion diseases. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (1998) Mental representation in human and monkey neuropsychology. In: Comparative neuropsychology. Edited by AD Milner. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 245-270.

WINDLE CP, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, OERKE A-K, MARTIN RD (1998) Unrearable litters and prenatal reduction of litter size in the common marmoset ( Callithrix jacchus). Journal of Medical Primatology, 28 , 73-83.

RIDLEY RM, BAREFOOT HC, MACLEAN CJ, PUGH P, BAKER HF (1999) Different effects on learning ability following injection of the cholinergic immunotoxin ME20.4IgG-saporin into the diagonal band of Broca, basal nucleus of Meynert, or both in monkeys. Behavioral Neuroscience, 113, 303-315.

RIDLEY RM, PUGH P, MACLEAN CJ, BAKER HF (1999) Severe learning impairment caused by combined immunotoxic lesion of the cholinergic projections to the cortex and hippocampus in monkeys. Brain Research, 836 , 120-138.

SCOTT M, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, DEARMOND SJ, PRUSINER SB (1999) Transgenic investigations of the species barrier and prion strains. In: Prion Biology and Diseases. (Ed. SB Prusiner) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 307-347.

MARSHALL JWB, CROSS AJ, JACKSON D, GREEN AR, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2000) Clomethiazole protects against hemineglect in a primate model of stroke. Brain Research Bulletin, 52, 21-29

MACLEAN CJ, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, MORI H (2000) Naturally occurring and experimentally induced ß-amyloid in the brains of marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Journal of Neural Transmission, 107, 799-814

BAREFOOT HC, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2000) Synergistic effects of unilateral immunolesions of the cholinergic projections from the basal forebrain and contralateral ablations of the inferotemporal cortex and hippocampus in monkeys. Neuroscience, 98, 243-251.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, HODGES H (2000) Functional reconstruction of the hippocampus. Progress in Brain Research, 127, 431-459.

MACLEAN CJ, GAFFAN D, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2001) Visual discrimination learning impairments produced by combined transections of the anterior temporal stem, amygdala and fornix in monkeys. Brain Research , 888, 34-50.

BAKER HF (ed.) (2001) Molecular Pathology of the Prions, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.

RIDLEY RM, WARNER KA, MACLEAN CJ, GAFFAN D, BAKER HF (2001) Visual agnosia and Kluver-Bucy syndrome in marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) following ablation of inferotemporal cortex with additional mnemonic effects of immunotoxic lesions of cholinergic projections to medial temporal areas. Brain Research, 898, 136-151.

RAMIREZ MJ, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, MACLEAN CJ, HONER WG, FRANCIS PT (2001) Chronic elevation of amyloid precursor protein in the neocortex or hippocampus of marmosets with selective cholinergic lesions. Journal of Neural Transmission, 108, 809-826.

RIDLEY RM, HARDY A, MACLEAN CJ, BAKER HF (2001) Non-spatial acquisition and retention deficits following small excitotoxic lesions within the hippocampus in monkeys. Neuroscience 107, 239-248

BAREFOOT HC, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2002) Crossed unilateral lesions of temporal lobe structures and cholinergic cell bodies inmpair visuovisual conditional and discrimination learning in monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience 15, 507-516.

EASTON A, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, GAFFAN D (2002) Severe learning impairments after combined lesion of the cholinergic basal forebrain and fornix system in Rhesus monkeys. Cerebral Cortex 12, 729-736.

RIDLEY RM, MACLEAN CJ, YOUNG FM, BAKER HF (2002) Learning impairments in monkeys with combined but not separate excitotoxic lesions of anterior and mediodorsal thalamic nucleus. Brain Research 950, 39-51.

MARSHALL JWM, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2002) Contralesional neglect without misreaching in monkeys with small unilateral parietal cortical ablations. Behavioural Brain Research 136, 257-265.

BAREFOOT HC, MACLEAN CJ, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2003) Unilateral hippocampal and inferotemporal cortex lesions in opposite hemispheres impair learning of single-pair visual discrimination as well as visuovisual conditional tasks in monkeys. Behavioural Brain Research 141, 51-62.

ESLAMBOLI A, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, ANNETT LE (2003) Sensorimotor deficits in a unilateral intrastriatal 6-OHDA partial lesion model of Parkinson’s disease in marmoset monkeys. Experimental Neurology 183, 418-429.

MARSHALL JWM, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, HALL LD, CARPENTER TA, WOOD NI (2003) Serial MRI, functional recovery, and long-term infarct maturation in a non-human primate model of stroke. Brain Res Bulletin 61, 577-585.

ESLAMBOLI A, ANNETT LE, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, KIRIK D, BJORKLUND A (2003) Recombinant adeno-associated-viral vector (rAVV) delivery of GDNF provides anatomical and behavioural protection against a 6-OHDA lesion in the common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus). Expt Neurology 184, 536-548.

SCOTT M, PERETZ D, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF DeARMOND SJ, PRUSINER SB (2004) Transgenic investigations of the species barrier and prion strains. In Prion Biology and Diseases 2nd Ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 435-482.

MILTON AL, MARSHALL JWM, CUMMINGS RM, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2004) Dissociation of hemi-spatial and hemi-motor impairments in a unilateral primate model of Parkinson’s disease. Behavioural Brain Research 150, 55-63.

HARDY A, WINDLE C, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2004) Assessment of preference for grid-flooring and sawdust-flooring by captive-bred marmosets in free-standing cages. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 85, 167-172.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, MILLS DA, GREEN ME, CUMMINGS RM (2004) Topographical memory impairments after unilateral lesions of the anterior thalamus and contralateral inferotemporal cortex. Neuropsychologia 42, 1178-1191.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF (2005) Exploring the role of acetylcholine in primate cognition using p75-saporin. In: Molecular Neurosurgery - the Use of Targeted Toxins (Ed. Lappi, D) pp101-142.

MILLS DA,WINDLE CP, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM (2005) Analysis of infant-carrying in large well-established family groups of captive marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Primates 45, 259-265.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, CUMMINGS RM, GREEN ME, LEOW-DYKE A (2005) Mild topographical memory impairment following crossed lesions of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and the inferotemporal cortex. Behavioural Neuroscience 119, 518-525.

ESLAMBOLI A, GEORGIEVSKA B, RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, BURGER C, MANDEL RJ, ANNETT LE, KIRIK D (2005) Continuous low-level glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor delivery using recombinant AAV vectors provides neuroprotection and induces behavioral recovery in a primate model of Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neuroscience 25, 769-777.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, LEOW-DYKE A,CUMMINGS RM (2005) Further analysis of effects of immunotoxic lesions of the basal nucleus of Meynert reveals substantial impairment on visual discrimination learning in monkeys. Brain Research Bulletin 65, 433-442.

RIDLEY RM, CUMMINGS RM, LEOW-DYKE A, BAKER HF (2006) Neglect of memory after dopaminergic lesions in monkeys. Behavioural Brain Research 166, 253-262.

RIDLEY RM, BAKER HF, WINDLE C, CUMMINGS RM (2006) Very long term studies of the seeding of ß-amyloidosis in primates. Journal of Neural Transmission 113, 1243-1251.

ESLAMBOLI A, ROMERO-RAMOS M, BURGER C, BJORKLUND T, MUZYCZKA N, MANDEL RJ, BAKER HF, RIDLEY RM, KIRIK D (2007) Long-term consequences of human alpha-synuclein over-expression in the primate ventral midbrain. Brain 130, 799-815.