We invite submissions of original, unpublished work from Research Scholars who wish to present their work in any area relevant to the theme of the conference. Submissions will be reviewed by several experts in the field, and accepted papers will be given the opportunity for oral presentation. Submissions must be made only through EasyChair.

Abstract Submission guidelines:

  1. Abstracts should not be more than 200-300 words and are to be uploaded using the EasyChair system.

  2. Submissions may be singly or jointly authored.

  3. After a peer review, author(s) will be notified about the acceptance and later asked for submission of extended abstract. On selection, the author(s) will be invited to give an oral presentation of their work during the conference.

  4. All presenters must get themselves registered. Registration fees is Rs.250 per paper.

  5. The paper(s) received without the registration fee will not be included for conference presentation.

  6. When asked for, extended abstracts of 750-1000 words (excluding references and data) in A4 PDF format (Word/LaTex/OverLeaf), and not less than 11 pt. will have to be submitted again through the EasyChair system.

Please send your queries regarding abstract submission, if any, to

rekhicentre1iitkgp@gmail.com or

call +91 9716756801 / +91 9650931557

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline : 25th May, 2022

Registration Deadline: 3rd June, 2022