

*contact us if you have difficulty accessing below articles.

Published articles:

(39) Tetereva, A., Knodt, A., Melzer, T., van der Vliet, W., Gibson, B., Hariri, A., ... & Pat, N. (2024). Improving Predictability, Test-Retest Reliability and Generalisability of Brain-Wide Associations for Cognitive Abilities via Multimodal Stacking. bioRxiv, 2024-05. Preprint:

(38) Wang, Y., Anney, R., & Pat, N. (2024). Empirically validate cognitive abilities as an RDoC transdiagnostic domain for mental health across neural and genetic units of analysis: a population-based cohort study in adolescents. medRxiv, 2024-02. Preprint:        code:

(37) Tetereva, A. & Pat, N. (in press). The (Limited?) Utility of Brain Age as a Biomarker for Capturing Fluid Cognition in Older Individuals. eLife. DOI:

(36) Wong, Y. S., Pat, N., & Machado, L. (in press).  Commonalities Between Mind Wandering and Task Switching: An Event-Related Potential Study. Neuropsychologia. DOI:

(35) Zhou, Y., Pat, N., & Neale, M. (in press). Associations Between Resting State Functional Brain Connectivity and Childhood Anhedonia: A Reproduction and Replication Study. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0277158 

(34) Huang, Y.*, Pat, N.*, Kok, B. C., Chai, J., Feng, L., & Yu, R. (2022). Getting over past mistakes: Prospective and retrospective regret in older adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, gbac159. DOI: *Denotes equal contribution

(33) Tetereva, A., Li, L., Deng, J., Stringaris, A., & Pat, N., (2022). Capturing Brain-Cognition Relationship: Integrating Task-Based fMRI Across Tasks Markedly Boosts Prediction and Test-Retest Reliability. Neuroimage.
DOI: preprint:

(32) Pat, N., Wang, Y., Anney, R., Riglin, L., Thapar, A., & Stringaris, A. (2022). Longitudinally stable, brain-based predictive models mediate the relationships between childhood cognition and socio-demographic, psychological and genetic factors. Human Brain Mapping. DOI:
Code: and 

(31) Pat, N., Wang, Y., Bartonicek, A., Candia, J., & Stringaris, A. (2022). Explainable machine learning approach to predict and explain the relationship between task-based fMRI and individual differences in cognition. Cerebral Cortex. DOI:

(30) Pat. N., Riglin, L., Anney, R, Wang, Y., Barch, D.M., Thapar, A., & Stringaris, A. (2021) Motivation and Cognitive Abilities as Mediators between Polygenic Scores and Psychopathology in Children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry DOI:
preprint :

(29) Bartonicek, A., Wickham, S. R., Pat, N. & Conner, T. S (2021). The value of Bayesian predictive projection for variable selection: an example of selecting lifestyle predictors of young adult well-being. BMC Public Health

(28) Vidal-Ribas, P., Janiri, D., Doucet, G.E., Pornpattananangkul, N., Nielson, D.M., Frangou, S., Stringaris, A. (2021). Multimodal neuroimaging and suicidality in a US population-based sample of school-aged children. American Journal of Psychiatry.

(27) Nielson, D. M., Keren, H., O’Callaghan, G., Jackson, S. M., Douka, I., Zheng, C. Y., Vidal-Ribas, P., Pornpattananangkul, N., Camp, C. C., Gorham, L. S., Wei, C., Kirwan, S., & Stringaris, A. (2020). Great Expectations: A Critical Review of and Recommendations for the study of Reward Processing as a Cause and Predictor of Depression. Biological Psychiatry.

 (26) Harada, T., Mano, Y., Komeda, H., Hechtman, L. A., Pornpattananangkul, N., Parrish, T. B., ... & Chiao, J. Y. (2020). Cultural influences on neural systems of intergroup emotion perception: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 107254.

(25) Pornpattananangkul, N., Leibenluft, E., Pine, D., & Stringaris, A. (2019). Association Between Childhood Anhedonia and Alterations in Large-Scale Resting-State Networks and Task-Evoked Activation. JAMA Psychiatry. 

(24) Nadig, A., Kelly, N., Pornpattananangkul, N., Glazer, J., & Nusslock, R. (2019). Shifts in attentional scope modulate ERPs evoked by reward. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience.

(23) Pornpattananangkul, N., Grogans, S., Yu, R., & Nusslock, R. (2019). Single-trial EEG dissociates motivation and conflict processes during decision-making under risk. Neuroimage.

(22) Kelly, N., Glazer, J., Pornpattananangkul, N., & Nusslock R. (2019). Individual differences in emotion regulation strategies and reward responsivity. Biological Psychology.

(21) Glazer, J., Kelly, N., Pornpattananangkul, N., & Nusslock R. (2018). Hypomania and depression associated with distinct neural activity for immediate and future rewards. Psychophysiology.

(20) Pornpattananangkul, N., Kok, B. C., Chai, J., Huang, Y., Feng, L., & Yu, R. (2018). Choosing for you: Diminished self–other discrepancies in financial decisions under risk in the elderly. Psychology and Aging, 33(6), 871.

(19) Glazer, J. E., Kelley, N. J., Pornpattananangkul, N., Mittal, V. A., & Nusslock, R. (2018). Beyond the FRN: Broadening the time-course of EEG and ERP components implicated in reward processing. International Journal of Psychophysiology.

(18) Pornpattananangkul, N., Zhen, S., & Yu, R. (2018). Common and distinct neural correlates of self‐serving and prosocial dishonesty. Human brain mapping.

(17) Reznik, S.J., Nusslock, R., Pornpattananangkul, N., Coan, J.A., Abramson, L.Y., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2017). Laboratory induced learned helplessness attenuates approach motivation as indexed by posterior versus frontal theta activity.  Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience.

 (16) Pornpattananangkul, N., Chowdhury, A., Lei, F., & Yu, R. (2017). Social discounting in the elderly: Senior citizens are good Samaritans to strangers. Journal of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

(15) Pornpattananangkul, N., Zhang, J., Chen, G., Kok, B., & Yu, R. (2017). Generous to whom? The influence of oxytocin on social discounting. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 

(14) Pornpattananangkul, N., Nadig, A., Heidinger, S., Walden, K., & Nusslock, R. (2017). Elevated reward-related ERPs associated with a greater preference for larger-but-delayed rewards. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. 

(13) Pornpattananangkul, N., & Nusslock, R. (2016). Willing to wait: Elevated reward-processing EEG activity associated with a greater preference for larger-but-delayed rewards. Neuropsychologia. 

(12) Pornpattananangkul, N., Hariri, A., Harada, T., Mano, Y., Komeda, H., Parrish, T., Sadato, N., Iidaka, T., & Chiao, J.Y. (2016). Cultural influences on neural basis of inhibitory control. Neuroimage. 

(11) Pornpattananangkul, N., & Nusslock, R. (2015). Motivated to win: The relationship between anticipatory and outcome reward-related neural activity. Brain and Cognition. 

(10) Pornpattananangkul, N.*, Hu, X.*, & Nusslock, R. (2015). Threat/reward-sensitivity and hypomanic-personality modulate cognitive-control and attentional neural processes to emotional stimuli. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.*Denotes equal contribution 

(9) Hu, X.*, Pornpattananangkul, N.*, & Nusslock, R. (2015). Executive control- and reward-related neural processes associated with the opportunity to engage in voluntary dishonest moral decision making. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-17. *Denotes equal contribution 

(8) Zabelina, D. L., O’Leary, D., Pornpattananangkul, N., Nusslock, R., & Beeman, M. (2015). Creativity and sensory gating indexed by the P50: Selective versus leaky sensory gating in divergent thinkers and creative achievers. Neuropsychologia, 69(0), 77-84. 

(7) Walden, K., Pornpattananangkul, N., Curlee, A., McAdams, D., & Nusslock, R. (2015). Posterior versus frontal theta activity indexes approach motivation during affective autobiographical memories. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 15. 132-144.

(6) Pornpattananangkul, N., Cheon, B.K., & Chiao, J.Y. (2014). The role of negativity bias in political judgment: A cultural neuroscience perspective. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, 325-326.

(5) Pornpattananangkul, N., & Chiao, J.Y. (2014). Affect control theory and cultural priming: A cultural neuroscience perspective. Emotion Review, 6(2), 136-137. 

(4) Cheon*, B.K., Pornpattananangkul*, N., Mrazek*, A.J., Blizinsky, K.D., & Chiao, J.Y. (2013). Constraints, catalysts and coevolution in cultural neuroscience: Reply to commentaries. Psychological Inquiry, 24(1), 71-79. *Denotes equal contribution

(3) Chiao, J.Y., Cheon, B.K., Pornpattananangkul, N., Mrazek, A.J., & Blizinsky, K.D. (2013). Cultural neuroscience: Progress and promise. Psychological Inquiry, 24(1),1-19.

(2) Hu, X., Pornpattananangkul, N., & Rosenfeld, J.P. (2013). N200 and p300 as orthogonal and integrable indicators of distinct awareness and recognition processes in memory detection. Psychophysiology, 50(5), 454-464. 

(1) Hechtman, L.A., Pornpattananangkul, N., & Chiao, J.Y. (2012). Psychological constructionism and cultural neuroscience. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(3):152-3.

Book chapters

(4) Nusslock, R., Young, C., Pornpattananangkul, N., & Damme, K. (2015). Neurophysiological and neuroimaging approaches to clinical psychological research. In Cautin, R., & Lilienfeld, S., (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. 

(3) Pornpattananangkul, N., Zink, C.F., & Chiao, J.Y. (2014). Neural basis of social status hierarchy. In Cheng, J.T., Tracy, J.L., Anderson, C. (Eds.) The Psychology of Social Status. Springer Press. 303-323. 

(2) Chiao, J.Y., Cheon, B.K., Pornpattananangkul, N., Mrazek, A.J., & Blizinsky, K.D. (2013). Cultural neuroscience: Understanding human diversity. In Gelfand, M.J., Hong, Y.Y., Chiu, C.Y. (Eds.) Advances in Culture and Psychology. Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, 4, 1. 

(1) Chiao, J.Y., Hechtman, L.A., & Pornpattananangkul, N. (2011). Cultural neuroscience and the collective good. In Forsyth, D. & Hoyt, C. (Eds.) Leadership and the Collective Good, Palgrave Macmillan.