Lab Members

Our lab provides a space to learn and to grow as a brain scientist!  We welcome people from different academic backgrounds (e.g., psychology, neuroscience, computer science, data science, mathematics/statistics, physics, biology, economics etc.). We believe that psychology will benefit a great deal from being more interdisciplinary.

The current lab members are familiar with tools in data science (R, Python, Matlab, shell), signal processing, statistical modelling, machine learning and/or neuroimaging. They have picked up and trained each other these tools while studying humans' brain and behaviours. We have had people from New Zealand (both Māori and tauiwi), Russia, Iran, Thailand, China, the Netherlands, Taiwan and Malaysia!

PhD student: Alina Tetereva, MS

Alina has a strong background in neuroimaging with several papers published in this area. Alina is now working on predictive models for individual differences in multimodal MRI.

PhD Student: Yue Wang, MS

Yue is a statistician with Master's and Honours degrees in statistics. Yue has been a go-to person for statistical modelling. Co-supervised by A/Prof Matthew Parry in Stats and A/Prof Jeremiah Deng in School of Computing, Yue is now working on predictive inference for neuroimaging big data and statistical genetics with twins.

PhD Student: Irina Buianova, MS

Irina has a strong background in biology and diffusion imaging. Co-supevised by A/Prof Jeremiah Deng in School of Computing, Irina is now working on big data in cognition, mental health and brain.

PhD Student: Farzane Lal Khakpoor, MS

Farzane is interested in computational modelling in psychology. Co-supervised by Prof Neil McNaughton, Farzane is working on creating neuroimaging analysis pipelines in Python.

Research Assistant Superhero:
William van der Vliet

William is a Unix guru and has done tremendous work,  running jobs over the national-wide cluster: New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI). He is also completing a year-long project on applying 3D-Convolutional Neural Network on fMRI data, cosupervised by Lech Szymanski in computer science.

PhD Student: Elena Gorina, MS

Elena is a cognitive neuroscientist with a strong background in data science. Co-supervised by A/Prof Jeremiah Deng in the School of Computing,  Elena is working on incorporating multimodal neuroimaging data (s/f/dMRI and EEG) into the predictive models of cognition and mental health.

Exchange PhD student:
Nattapat Simarangsarit

Nattapat is a PhD student from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. He obtained a scholarship to spend a year here with us.  Nattapat is working on longitudinal modelling of the changes in mental health and cognitive abilities in kids. 

Remote Research Assistant: Rhys Hobbs, MS

Rhys is a physicist with a Master's degree in physics. Rhys has been a go-to person for signal processing and has been building a Python toolbox for decoding EEG signals. Rhys is now working remotely from Wellington where he is working as a Medical Physics trainee. 

Research Assistant: Will Johnstone

Will has a degree in computer science from University of Otago and University of Colorado - Boulder. Before joining our lab, he worked on robotics. Currently Will is helping us with developing deep learning  architecture from neuronal time series. 

PhD student Kseniia Konopkina, MS

Kseniia is a cognitive neuroscientist with a background in psychology, neuroscience and sociology. Co-supervised by Prof Bruce Russell in the School of Pharmacy, Kseniia will be working on naturalistic fMRI. 

Lab Alumni

Bryn Gibson

Bryn was our programmer, having skills in Python, Git, Bash, C#, JavaScript among others. He helped us build a pipeline to communicate with New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI)

Calvin Young, PhD

Calvin was our research fellow,  jointly working with Neil McNaughton. Calvin is interested in Brain-behaviour interactions in health and disease, neurophysiology, optogenetics, EEG, signal processing/data analysis, mood disorders, Parkinson's disease and neurocognition.

Vicky He

Vicky was our summer student in 2021-22, funded by the Otago Medical Research Foundation -Wilkinson summer scholarship. During the summer, Vicky worked on classifying MDD from MRI data using machine learning. Vicky is currently a PhD student at University of Melbourne.

Ellie Logan

Ellie was an Honours student in neuroscience. Ellie worked on alterations in reinforcement-related EEG signals in depression.

Wei Xiang Tan

Wei Xiang was an Honours student in psychology. Wei Xiang worked on genetics X environments that might explain cognitive abilities using big data.

Emma Duffy

 Emma was a Master's student in psychology. Emma worked closely with Calvin on rodents' electrophysiology model of depression.

Jean Li, MS

Jean was a PhD student in information science. She has helped us with machine learning related pipelines in the lab.

Danielle Rutter

Danielle was a psychology 310 student who is working with Alina on structural MRI and depression.

Hannah Burlison

Hannah was an undergraduate student. Hannah worked on well-beings in NZ during the Covid-19 lockdown. 

Meghan Goodman

Meghan was an undergrad student who continued the work started by Hannah on well beings in NZ during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Issac Jamieson

Issac was a clinical psychology student in the lab, working on predictive models of Covid related behaviours using machine learning and big data.

Mary-Joy Williams

Marry-Joy was a psychology honours student who worked on the predictive modelling of the psychopathology factor.