
Narun Pat, PhD


Lecturer in Psychology

Dr. Narun Pat

Narun is the director of the HAM Neuro Lab. *He has a very long Thai lastname. He is happy to shorten it down to “Pat” in keeping with Processing Fluency.

He was trained by clinical and social neuroscientists during his PhD. He was then trained by a neuro-economist during his first post-doctoral position. He later worked with psychiatrists and neuroimagers during his second post-doctoral training.

Accordingly, he has developed an interdisciplinary research program to study individual differences in cognition, emotion and motivation, and has collaborated with people across fields of study.

He obtained several academic awards from agencies such as Fulbright and the US National Institute of Health.


  • Post-Doc in Biological Psychiatry,
    National Institute of Mental Health, USA

  • Post-Doc in Neuroeconomics,
    National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • PhD and MS in Brain Behavior & Cognition,
    Northwestern University, USA

  • BSc in Psychology,
    Chulalongkorn University, Thailand