Human Affect & Motivation

Kia Ora!

The Human Affective & Motivational Neuroscience Laboratory is based in Dunedin, New Zealand

We use cognitive neuroscience to better understand humans' cognition, emotion and motivation. See our Publications to learn more!

We are actively seeking research assistants and students at all levels (Postdoc, PhD, Master's, Honours, undergraduate) who would like to learn about the human brain. The University of Otago provides scholarships to support both domestic and international students. Contact us to learn more!

Narun is affiliated with psychology and neuroscience. But he is more than happy to (co-)supervise students from different departments (information science, data science, computer science, math & stats, physics, economics, genetics etc.).


Individual Differences

Big Neuroimaging Data



Machine Learning &
Computational Modeling

Mental & Neurodevelopmental Heath

Cognition &



We employ cross-disciplinary methods, ranging from behavioral paradigms (e.g., surveys and economics tasks), neural-correlates (e.g., electroencephalogram [EEG] and functional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]), genetics to machine learning and computational modeling.

With these tools, we are able to examine the alterations of emotion and motivation as a function of individual- differences (e.g., cognitive abilities, mood-disorders, temperaments and aging), situations (e.g., social and moral contexts) and their interactions.