Biology Summer Research Program

Above: Collaborative Research Symposium Poster Session, September 2022
Below: Bioolgy summer research program participants summer 2022

Hamline University Summer Collaborative Undergraduate Research (SCUR) Program

(updated 2/2024) Application deadline is Friday, March 22, 2024: Students applying for this program must complete the online student summer collaborative research application form found at ( Faculty collaborators should submit their letters of support to Leif Hembre ( An interdisciplinary committee of faculty will convene to select grant recipients by mid-April. Student and faculty collaborators should anticipate notification of their award shortly after. 

For more details about the SCUR program, please visit this web page (

The Biology Department Summer Research Program

(updated 2/2024) Application deadline is Friday, March 22, 2024: The Biology Department Summer Research Program, supported by the Lund and Kerr Endowments, provides stipends for students to collaborate with a Biology Department faculty member to pursue a research project for up to 9 weeks during the summer (typically early June-early August). Students accepted into the program are eligible for free housing in the Hamline dorms for the summer, and a tuition-free Collaborative Research course credit (4 credits). 

Students interested in this program should work with a faculty member in the Biology Department to develop a research proposal. Please submit your proposal as a PDF file through this Google Form. Your proposal should include (1) a description of your research plan (that includes a review of relevant literature) with a clear statement of the objectives and justifications for the work (2-4 pages),  (2) a week by week timeline that maps out the activities you plan to do over the duration of the project, (3) a bibliography of the sources that you cite in your proposal (> 4 sources: books, articles, etc), and (4) a budget that includes expendable supplies (less than $100), equipment (less than $100), travel cost to/from research site if not on Hamline campus (at $0.0655/mile), misc. costs (must specify), and stipend (hrs/wk X number of weeks X $15/hr; maximum stipend award is $4,725, which would be 35 hours/week x 9 weeks x $15/hr). NOTE: Projects that are shorter than 9 weeks are allowed, but to receive the free 4 credits and to be eligible for free housing on campus projects must include at least 120 hours of research.

(updated spring 2023)

The application form can be found here: google form application  (2023 updated link)

Biology Summer Research Program guidelines

(updated 3/2023) Student participants in this program will be selected by the faculty of the Biology Department on the basis of an application that includes a research proposal prepared by the applicant. Support for successful proposals will consist of some combination of the following components, to be decided by the faculty on a case by case basis: a stipend paid to the awardee, funds to purchase equipment and supplies required for the project, funds to support other cost of the project, use of space and facilities in the Biology Department for conduct of the research, eligibility to request free housing for the summer in the Hamline dorms, and eligibility for a tuition waiver for an Independent Study course credit. All awardees must work in collaboration with a faculty advisor from the Hamline Biology Department. Students conducting research off campus should also have another on-site research project advisor. 

All awardees are required to observe the following guidelines: 

The application form can be found here: google form application (2023 updated link)