HU BioEx Seminar Schedule Fall 2018

HU BioEx Seminar (BIOL 5961, 5962, 5963 and 5964, and EXSC 5961, 5962, 5963 and 5964) attendance is required for junior and senior Biology Majors and Exercise Science Majors, and for all Biology and Exercise Science Scholars. BioEx Seminars are designed to introduce students to cutting edge research in the fields of biology and exercise science while mentoring students through their chosen majors. During the fall semester outside scientists or Hamline faculty are invited to give presentations of current research. In the spring, senior Biology and Exercise Science Majors present the seminars. All HU BioEx Seminars are open to the public.

The HU BioEx seminars take place in DSC 118 from 1:50 - 3:00, unless otherwise noted.

Students enrolled in BioEx Seminar (BIOL 5961, 5962, 5963 and 5964, and EXSC 5961, 5962, 5963 and 5964) should read the attendance and grading policies on the following pages. Course syllabus and assignment information and documents are located in the course Blackboard site.