April 11, 2014

Affects of mussel condition from zebra mussels feeding habits and algal composition

Zach Johnson '14Abstract:

In 1988 zebra mussels had established themselves in the US waters increasing in numbers throughout the Great Lakes. The spread of the mussel species has shown long-term effects on surface waters throughout America. Traveling by boats and water currents such as the Mississippi, mussels are known to take 2 to 4 years to consume the lake attaching to any hard surface. With that, Zebra mussels pose an immediate threat to the invaded environment and its species such as other unionids (mussels). Zebra mussels filtering effects are known to increase water clarity but also have been noticed to help promote the microcystis blooms, a toxic form of blue-algae in lakes. These blooms have been seen throughout infected lakes around the US. Lake Huron and Lake Erie’s data has indicated that the zebra mussel’s filter feeding technique has long-term effects that may have a negative effect on them as well. We do not know the potential consequences of zebra mussel infestation, but we believe that they are an immediate threat to their infested areas and themselves.

Photo of Zach Johnson