Return Again

(“Return to the Land of Your Soul...”) 

Return Again (you are here)   |   Ideas   |   Resources

Return Again

There is a song called “Return Again” (watch the video here).  

When you read the lyrics, it feels like a mantra.

Return again, return again.

Return to the land of your soul.

Return to who you are,

Return to what you are,

Return to where you are,

Born and reborn again.

- Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (music)
and Raphael Kahn (lyrics)

Our lives are filled with an endless loop of noise and clutter. Under the crush of so many obligations to work, family, and our Selves, it’s no wonder that we unconsciously move in autopilot – only to be startled awake with puzzlement.

“Where did the time go?” we ask ourselves. “I only closed my eyes for a minute!”

Wake Up!

We know that sleeping through life is no way to feel truly connected and at peace. Many teachers on many, many, many spiritual paths have done their best to alert us to this.

Who I got to,

who I got to do to wake you up?

To shake you up, 

to break the strucutre up!

- Rage Against the Machine

Any Place Can Be Made Holy

The place doesn’t matter as much as The Place.

For generations, teachers have taught us how to transcend physical surroundings and reach “the land of our soul.”

Any space can be made holy – a traditional synagogue, someone’s living room, a train car, a cornfield, a concert stage...