
(FAQ and More)

Who's Behind This?

Shaom, y'all. My name is Michael E. Rubin. Here's my story:


What does "HaMakom HeZeh" mean?

The Hebrew words "HaMakom HaZeh" roughly translate in English to "How awesome is this place!" 

The words comes from Genesis 28:17. In the story, Jacob leaves his home and journeys to  a city called Haran. While he sleeps on the road, he had a dream of a ladder between heaven and earth, and of God standing above him. When he awakes up, he says to himself: Ma Norah HaMakom ha’zeh. Ayn zeh ki im beit Elohim, v’zeh sha’ar hashamayim ("How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.")

In modern English, we're also translating this to mean "Sacred Space."

Are you Reform, Reconstructioniist, Conservative, or Orthodox?

None. Jewish Renewal.

What is Jewish Renewal?

This answer comes from ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, the  umbrella organization that supports and grows the worldwide movement for Jewish renewal.

Jewish Renewal is a transdenominational approach to revitalizing Judaism. 

We combine the socially progressive values of egalitarianism, the joy of Hasidism, the informed do-it-yourself spirit of the havurah movement, and the accumulated wisdom of centuries of tradition.

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Is this "New Age" Judaism?

This answer comes from ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, the  umbrella organization that supports and grows the worldwide movement for Jewish renewal.

Shalom and welcome to the Age of Aquarius, chaver

Seriously, though, Jewish Renewal is sometimes referred to as "New Age" by people who do not know that meditation, dance, chant, and mysticism have been present in Judaism throughout the ages and not, as some mistakenly believe, patched on to Judaism from other cultures or made up out of whole cloth. Sadly, some of our authentic, time-honored beliefs and practices have been lost to assimilation, leaving many contemporary Jews largely unaware of them. This is a major reason why so many spiritually sensitive Jews have sought spiritual expression in other faith traditions.

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Is this Messianic Judaism? 

This answer comes from ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, the  umbrella organization that supports and grows the worldwide movement for Jewish renewal.

ALEPH has a policy of respect for other spiritual traditions, but objects to deceptive practices and will not collaborate with denominations which actively target Jews for recruitment. Our position on so-called "Messianic Judaism" is that it is Christianity and its proponents would be more honest to call it that.

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Why aren't you in a synagogue?

Any place can be made holy. (Read all about it)

Do I need to be Jewish to participate?

Nope. In our religious practice, we encourage participation by everyone, regardless of their background in Jewish prayer or knowledge. Inspired by love (and the Reconstructionist motto that “the past has a vote but not a veto”), we question, interpret, and reframe Jewish liturgy and ritual to reveal their relevance and meaning in our modern lives. 

Our services are filled with music, inquiry, and warm connection. To all who come to this sacred space, welcome:

Really and truly, all are welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, religion at birth, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, Hebrew-speaking or not.

No experience necessary.

Do I need to know Hebrew to participate?

Nope. We'll provide translations and transliterations so you can follow along even if you don't know Hebrew.

When and where is the next Shabbat gathering?

Find out by joining our email list. Click here to join.