HaMakom HaZeh

(“Sacred Space”)

"How Awesome is This Place!" (Genesis 28:17)   

Let's Create Sacred Space in Indianapolis!

Let's create a sacred space and call it– This Place. (“HaMakom HaZeh”).

Let’s gather together and use all the various spiritual techniques feel most resonant to us to reconnect with the Divine spark that exists within each one of us. 

Prayer. Song. Dance. Drumming. Art. Meditation. Yoga. And much more.

DIY Judaism:
Inclusive. Deep. Meaningful.

This is DIY Judaism. Jewish Renewal and post-denominational. We strive for authenticity and meaning by making the old new again and the new relevant

To all who come to this sacred space, welcome: Jewish, Jewish by choice, Not-Jewish, Seeking, Affiliated, Unaffiliated, Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans, Questioning, Married, Single, Polyam, Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative, Orthodox, and more.

Really and truly, all are welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, religion at birth, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, Hebrew-speaking or not.

No experience necessary.

Let's Meet

Next Shabbat Meet and Greet:
XXXX, XXXX XX, 2023 @ XX pm
Indianapolis, IndianaRSVP to get the address. Bring a friend.