

Anna Siciliano

Editor in Chief

Anna is a junior at Hall, she is taking Honors Spanish V. She loves Spanish and hopes to one day become fluent. Outside of Gladiatores, Anna is the Editor in Cheif of the Creative Writing Club and loves to read and write all things creative (especially poetry). She plays volleyball and throws shotput, weight, hammer, discus, and javelin during indoor and outdoor track. Anna plays trumpet in the Concert Jazz band and embroiders whenever she has time. She hopes to one day travel to the Galápagos and maybe get another cat

Sanjana Sitaram

Website Developer / Head Spanish Editor

Sanjana is a junior and she is currently taking Honors Spanish V. Growing up in an Asian/Indian family has given her a deep appreciation for other cultures and languages. She herself speaks a language other than English at home, and she hopes to become fluent in Spanish. Sanjana has been playing violin for many years and is part of I Giovani Solisti. Presently, she is a member of the crochet and knitting club, ACC, sowCoders, and medical club here at Hall. She holds a brown third degree belt in Shaolin Martial Arts. Sanjana loves to spend time going on a walks or watching movies. In her free time, you can find her curled up on her couch with a good book or watching Carmen Sandiego with her sister.

Aarohi Tolat

Travel Editor/Assistant Latin Editor

Aarohi is a junior at Hall taking Honors Latin III. She enjoys learning languages and cultures, both hers and others. She has grown up speaking (and can also read and write) Gujarati, a regional language from India similar to Hindi, which she also speaks (though not as fluently). She's been teaching herself Korean as well. Aarohi also plays the violin and takes part in Camerata, and participates in Math Team, Chem Club, and Asian Cultural Club. She learns Bharatnatyam (a form of Indian classical dance), and sings Hindustani Classical (a form of Indian classical music). When she's not busy with school or extracurriculars, she'll go on walks with her dog, write stories, listen to music (some current favorites are 'The Astronaut' by Jin, 'Shout Out' by ENHYPEN, and 'The Greatest' by Louis Tomlinson), watch TV, or read.

Language Editors

Mollie Reynolds

Head Editor of Chinese

Mollie Reynolds is a senior and she is currently taking AP Chinese. She loves to travel and to learn about different cultures and traditions around the world and to take every opportunity to improve her Chinese. She is a captain of the softball team, and she also participates in Cross Country and skiing. She is also a member of the Hall High Coral Project, Asian Cultural Club, Integration Club, and is the President of the Chinese Tutoring Society. She is excited to go to college for Aviation and Chinese!

Sofia Mendoza Barcelona

Developmental Editor of Chinese

Sofia Mendoza is a senior taking AP Chinese. Her favorite Chinese dramas are Triad Princess and Meteor Garden, and she highly recommends watching them to learn more casual Chinese! She is the secretary of the Chinese Tutoring Society, a Co-President of Model UN, and a proud member of Integration Club.

Eliana Simmons

Head Editor of French

Eliana is a senior currently taking AP French. She is also a co-captain of the VEX Robotics Team and a member of the GSA. She loves learning languages, and has been learning French for 10 years. She loves painting, knitting, hiking, and taking care of her many houseplants. She is looking forwards to majoring in Environmental Science and Chemistry in college!

Arden Netter

Assistant Editor of Chinese

Arden is a junior and is currently taking Honors Chinese 4. They love learning and writing about other cultures, so being in Gladiatores is perfect for them! They are also a member of Voce di Coeli, the Mandarin Tutoring club, and do tech crew for Hall's productions. They are excited to continue working as an Editor in Gladiatores over the next few years.

Abhishek Sapkota

Developmental Editor of Chinese

Kite Chandler

Head Editor of Latin

Kite Chandler is a senior and he is currently taking Honors Latin IV. He loves to cook and to learn about classics and different languages. He would like to be a marine biologist or do something with language when he goes to college and enjoys reading, painting, and skateboarding in his spare time.

Katie Homer

Latin Development Editor

I am a sophomore, take Latin and Spanish, and am the development editor for Latin. I play field hockey, hike, and like to read.