Chinese Edition

Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节!

What is 中秋节?

Otherwise known as the Mooncake Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival is a Chinese holiday held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Lunar Calendar which corresponds to a full moon. This year, it took place on September 10th. To celebrate, Chinese people all gather together in family reunions and hang lanterns that represent lighting up a path to fortune. Round symbols, such as the moon, circular tables, and moon cakes, all symbolize completeness and reunion. This holiday is almost as popular as Chinese New Years!

Chinese 2 Mid-Autumn Festival Projects!


China in the Falltime

Places to see + Helpful Tips when traveling

The temperature and humidity drops- The weather is much cooler than the hot summer but not winter cold. The air is also dryer as the humidity decrease. It is a comfortable season for outdoor sightseeing

What to wear - Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, sweaters. There is a very obvious temperature difference between day and night during the autumn months. Bring an overcoat or jacket with you.

Places to Go

Mutianyu Great Wall: This section of the great wall is one of the best preserved sections. With the fall in full swing, the trees grow laden with sweet fruit, and leaves turn red or yellow, touching the mountain tops with gold

Fall Foods and What They Represent! (Plus Recipes!)

Mooncake - Completeness and Reunion

Persimmons - Longevity / Fortune

Duck - Nourishes your body and fights the dryness of the fall and winter.

Pomelo - Blessings for children and grandchildren

Edamame - Praise / Good News

Making Mooncakes in Class!

Moon Festival Photos

Other Notable Dates... (AP 中文!)

Singles' Day

Single's Day




Matchmaking 相亲角

Pictionary and Class Activities! 上课活动


This month, the editors were feeling very hungry... so, they decided to provide a 月饼 recipe for when you are, too!

MEMES!!! 笑话

Looking for Extra Credit? Can't get enough stamps?

Here's the Process...

Talk to your Chinese teacher! Make the decision of whether you want to edit a previous project or do research of your own on a new topic.