Animal Portraiture

How can color create emphasis in artwork?

YOUR TASK: Pick a photo animal of your choosing.
Paint them using only cool and warm colors and in an artistic style
that you have found and reinterpreted.

Elements of Art
& Principles of Design

Summarize your own and others work with vocabulary and identify intent
E's & P's Cheat Sheet

Composition Skills

Synthesize styles and color theory
to create original artwork

Media, Tools, Techniques,

Explore the range of paint medium and understand how to manipulate and mimic other techniques

Warm & Cools with Style in Animal Portrait
Slide Show (watch this, it helps understand the lesson)

A review why warm and cool colors are so important in painting. This slide show encourages you to seek out different ways of interpreting the way color can create emphasis, and also exploring how different styles can get you there.

An Oil Pastel How-To

You are free to use any color medium you have access to. This video link above is a step-by-step video of how Miss Kaiser interprets warm and cool color on a dog portrait.

Using warms and cools instead of local color can create a very rich work of art.

Drawing an animal has advantages and challenges to human portraiture. There is less pressure to "capture the soul in the eyes" as when painting a known person. And new textures with fur, hide, and anatomy can lend to new explorations in techniques.


Cool colors recede and are for shadows and warm colors advance and are for light

There is no such thing as a new idea.
It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”

-Mark Twain

warm cool references.pdf

Above is a short document regarding different warm and cool coloring for animal portraiture. Collecting visuals to study and inspire is an easy go-to for generating creative thinking. Also, emulating another artist's style can give you new insight into developing your own.

Let's see what you create in seeking out your own style and manipulation of colors!


Cool colors are used to express shadows and depths and warm colors showcase highlights and prominence. Composition is well thought out.

Higher Goals

Using only warm and cools. There is no use of local color. Your style accentuates the animals form. Craftsmanship is complicated and excellent.

Warm & Cool Color Painting of an Animal Portrait - Rubric

If your wanting the nitty gritty details of the lesson, here is a Rubric for Warm/Cool Animal Painting.

SLIDE SHOW Warm & Cool color theory and style

Above is a link to just the slides, no video or audio .

Below are some more provoking images to stir the warm & cool combo ideas

These top 2 need backgrounds, but you get the idea