
Principle Investigator (PI)

Dr. HUANG Hailong 

Assistant Professor, 

Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering (AAE), 

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). 


Official website; Google Scholar; Researchgate; ORCID

Research Staff

Dr. XI Ruipeng 

Postdoc Fellow

2023.9- now

Dr. WU Jingda

RGC Postdocral Fellow

2023.12- now

Mr. ZHANG Guoxing 

Research Assistant

2023.7 - now

Mr. YANG Xiaoyu 

Research Assistant

2023.7 - now

PhD student

Mr. SHEN Zhipeng 

2022.9 - now

Research topic: UAV agile flight

Google Scholar

Mr. TAO Weizhi 

2022.9 - now

Research topic: Reinforcement learning-powered formation control of multiple UAVs

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Mr. CAO Hao 

2022.9 - now

Research topic: SLAM

Mr. HU Fengqing 


2023.1 - now

Research topic: Autonomous driving

Mr. TIAN Cheng 

2023.9- now

Research topic: Autonomous driving

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Mr. SU Jiangcheng 

2023.9- now

Research topic: eVTOL

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Mr. LAM Yat Long Edward

2023.9- now

Research topic: UAV design and control

Mr. LYU Mingyang 


2023.9- now

Research topic: UAV swarm

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2024.1 - now

Research topic: Human-robot interaction

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Mr. YAN Xinhao 

2024.1- now

Research topic: Pravicy prevention

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Ms CUI Gege

2024.1 - now

Research topic: Autonomous driving

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Mr. LIU Mingjiang 

2024.5- now

Research topic: Human-robot interaction

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MPhil student

Mr. GUO Jingrui 


2022.9 - now

Research topic: UAV agile flight

Mr.  ZHANG Chengchen 

2023.9 - now

Mr.  IP Chun Man Ben

2023.9 - now

Mr. ZHAO Yibo 

2023.9 - now

Google Scholar

Mr.  MENG Qingyang

2024.1 - now

Mr. LAN Bowen

2024.1 - now

Mr.  MO Longfei

2024.1 - now

MSc student

Mr. ZHOU Guanzhong 

2022.9 - now

Research topic: Multi-agent systems

Google Scholar

Mr. AI Zhouxing 

2022.9 - now

Research topic: UAV design and control


2022.9 - now

Research topic: Motion planning for autonomous vehicles

Mr. HU Pei 

2024.2 - now

Research topic: 

Mr. LI Feifan

2024.2 - now

Research topic: 


2024.2 - now

Research topic: 

Mr. XUE Yanze

2024.2 - now

Research topic: 

Undergraduate student

Mr. WU Hengyu; EEE, URIS

Project: Development of an Intelligent Trash Pick-up Robot 

Mr. CHEN Xianzhe; EEE, URIS

Project: Development of an Intelligent Trash Pick-up Robot 


Project: Development of an Intelligent Trash Pick-up Robot 

Ms WU Meijia; COMP, URIS

Project: Risk assessment of autonomous driving based on trajectory prediction


Project: Personalized route designing and decision making for autonomous vehicles

Past members

Dr. Anh-Tu NGUYEN; Visiting scholar; 2022.8 - 2022.12

Associate Professor at INSA Hauts-de-France, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France


Mr. WANG Xinran; MSc; 2022.5 - 2023.6

Research topic: Abnormal state detection of construction workers

Now with Huawei

Miss LI  Yixiao 

FYP & STEM intern; 2022.9 - 2023.5

Project: Trajectory prediction and planning, and assistance control: Towards the Predictive Advanced Driver-Assistance System (P-ADAS) 

Mr. LIU  Yutong; URIS; 2022.9 - 2023.6

Project: Human-machine Cooperative Path Planning and Tracking Control Design for Highly Automated Vehicles

Mr. WANG Meng; URIS; 2022.9 - 2023.6

Project: Human-machine Cooperative Path Planning and Tracking Control Design for Highly Automated Vehicles

Mr. QIN Haoran; URIS; 2022.9 - 2023.6

Project: Human-machine Cooperative Path Planning and Tracking Control Design for Highly Automated Vehicles

Mr. Fuad HASAN; FYP & URIS; 2022.9 - 2023.8

Project:  Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction of Surrounding Vehicles in a Congested Environment 

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Mr. Samuel YAKOBUS; URIS; 2022.9 - 2023.8

Project: Commanding a group of UAVs/robots via face engagement and voice

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Ms CHENG Yuling; AAE, Inter-department FYP

Project: Intelligent Wheelchair