Hiromi Sakamoto


Producer / Director
Theatrical Arts
Media & Cultural Projects



Television, Film, Video, Audio

-For those who would like to study performing arts at Kindai University (Supervisor, 2018)

-Barrier-Free Variety: Soul Impression dances with Symphonic Beats (On aired in October, 2016) Production Advisor

-Dramatic Kansai: Do you hear the Beat that Fluctuates? (On aired in December, 2015) Production Advisor

-NHK HD Special Documentary: "Life of a dancer/choreographer, Michio Ito"

-NHK Educational: Michio Ito-an Artist Abroad (2006/Line Producer)

-Kyoto University of Art and Design (2002-2004/Producer&Director)

-Making of A Castle Story, Summer Workshops, etc (10 Documentaries).

-NHK Educational: American Quilt Story (2001/Line Producer)

-NHK: Quilt Making (2001/Line Producer)

-Ping Chong&Company: Secret History video version (2001/Producer&Director)

-NHK: Global Families (2000/Line Producer)

-NHK: Nobel Prize 99, Dr. Ferid Murad on Nitric Oxide (1999/Line P)

-Japanese Language Series NAKAMA 1&2 (98-00/Recording Artist)

-NHK Books Video: Kyogen Actor Mansai Nomura in NY (97/Line P)

-NHK: 2000 Years of Christianity (97/Line Producer)

-NHK: ETV Series Christianity (97/Line Producer)

-NHK: Wonderful Trip to the World - Mr. Yamazaki in NY (97/Line P)

-Ping Chong&Company: Undesirable Elements CD (96/Recording)

-NHK: Tibetan Book of the Dead (94/Int'l Version Coordinator)

-NHK: BS Musical Special (90-92/Segment Director)

-NHK: Orchestra Is Here with Lorin Mazel (92/Segment Director)

-Dutch Film the Next Step -Ten Years of Ballet Dancers (92/Line P)

-NHK: BS Art Museum Henri Matisse & Rene Magritte (92/Segment Director)

-NHK: History Channel on John Manjiro, the First Japanese in the US (91/LP)

-NHK: On Contemporary Society What TV can do for children? (90/LP)

-NHK: Anniversary programming Children's TV in the World (90/LP)

-NHK Special: Love & Peace is Forever - John Lennon and Y. Ono (89/LP)

-TV Asahi: Broadway Musical Channel (89/Researcher)

-FUJ TV: New Yorkers Series (88-89/Coordinator NYC)

-TV TOKYO: 25th Anniversary (88-89/Director&Line Producer)

-NHK: Dramas (85-88/Director) Come Meet Me on the Bridge, Only Two of Us, Serenade in the Dark, The Youngest Son, Byakuren-the Flower of Love, Hassai Sensei, Capitol Wind, First Drums