Guillermo San Miguel

Dr. Guillermo San Miguel

[ CV ]

Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering (ETSII) at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

Research Group on Bioenergy systems

Guillermo San Miguel is a Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer (PCD-I3) since 2007 in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He holds a degree in Chemistry from the Complutense University of Madrid (1992), an MSc in Environmental Impact Assessment from the University of Wales (1994) and a PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of London at Imperial College of London (1999) and Diploma of Imperial College (DIC) (2000). After receiving his PhD, Guillermo San Miguel was employed as a research associate in the departments of Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering at Imperial College of London on projects related to environmental technologies. In 2002 he received a Ramón y Cajal contract to continue his research in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid). In 2007 he received the I3 Degree for Research Excellence from the Ministry of Technology and Science.

Currently, he teaches on topics related to environmental technology and sustainability assessment and management in different undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at the UPM. He also participates in numerous national and international research projects, both publicly and privately funded, having been principal investigator in European projects, the Spanish National Plan, coordinator of the Marie Curie Network, and large public-private collaboration projects on sustainability and renewable energies. In recent years he has been invited as a guest lecturer and researcher in academic and research centres such as Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) (Chile, 2013), University of Connecticut (USA, 2014), Stony Brook University of New York (USA, 2014), University College Cork (Ireland, 2015), Tsinghua University Beijing (China, 2016), University of Seville (Spain, 2018), Facebook Connectivity Laboratory (California, 2020).

His main areas of interest include sustainability analysis, life cycle analysis (LCA), environmental technologies mainly related to water treatment and waste management, and renewable energies. Within sustainability analysis, Guillermo San Miguel has participated in studies related to systems as diverse as: telecommunications networks, digitalisation, solar thermal power plants, photovoltaic technologies, energy storage technologies, wine, national electricity systems, prepared foods, second-hand trade, energy crops, agricultural products, solid biofuels, biogas, wastewater treatment, events, etc. 

Guillermo San Miguel is UPM representative in the Spanish LCA Network, member of the Carbon Footprint Team (UPM), member of the Spanish-American Society of Input-Output Analysis (SHAIO) and coordinator for the UPM of the research programme on Carbon Footprint and Sustainability with the Illinois Institute of Technology (USA). His work has produced more than 65 indexed articles, 100 conference papers and 10 books and book chapters.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0298-8916

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