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If you are planning to protect your valuable possessions, but you do not know what to settle for, then it is good to consider these few aspects to get a clear view. What are you planning to protect? If you think of stashing your cash or jewelry, then a safe at home is not a good choice. When you go for safes, they are usually fire resistant. Fireproof safes are good to protect the valuables of several types. They come in different sizes and with different specifications and UL ratings for quality. Burglar safe, fireproof safe, waterproof safes, gun safe and data safe are available in the industry with various standards. You can consider buying and installing such safes in your home to store your paper documents such as insurance papers, passports, driving licenses and wills.

Have you thought about what you would grab if you had to leave your home suddenly? Some of your most valuable possessions may not cost very much money but are priceless to you. While no one wants to consider the possibility of tragic events, protecting your belongings and memories can give you peace of mind.

Low-cost Security

Compared to the cost of replacing some of the contents, a safe deposit box rental is a bargain! Costs start at $30 per year and vary based on the size selected.

Privacy and Safety

You're the only one who knows what is inside your safe deposit box. Staff members at the bank and your relatives don't have knowledge of the contents unless you choose to disclose this information. For safety and security tips regarding your other business matters, visit our Security Center.

Protection from Theft

While a home safe might seem like a good option, thieves can crack the safe or walk off with it altogether -- and your valuables. By comparison, bank safes are more securely constructed and guarded.

Eliminate the Stress Caused by Losing Things

If you frequently misplace your keys or the remote control, a safe deposit box is a great place to keep important items. But, just be sure to keep up with the key to your box. For your security, two keys are used to access the contents of the box -- your key and the bank's key.

Protect Papers and Digital Files

A safe deposit box is a secure place to keep an extra backup copy of your most memorable photos, videos, and electronic documents. For printed documents like marriage and birth certificates, a copy of your will, and insurance papers, consider keeping these documents in a safe deposit box. Learn more about essential items to keep in a safe deposit box.

If for any reason you are not able to retrieve your items, anyone with your power of attorney or an agent designated by you can get into the locked box. Or, you have the option of renting jointly with a loved one or family member.

As a conclusion, to have a safe deposit box at the bank always helps when you intend to store your cash and jewelry instead of storing them in an in-house fireproof safe which will be good for your other items like paper documents, media and guns.