Goal 2

By 2024, GBHWC’s ability to address the seven core elements of suicide-safer care in its  approach to behavioral health services, based on the Zero-Suicide Framework (ZSF), will  reach at least a target rating of “4 = Near Comprehensive Practices are in Place.” 

The ZSF Implementation Team received training in the Zero Suicide Framework. Members of the Implementation team attended the American Association of Suicidology conference in April 2022. 

GFOL plans to create and disseminate promotional materials to educate GBHWC employees  on the ZSF in Year 4. 

By 2024, GBHWC will have tracked a 4-year implementation record of its Zero Suicide Plan. 

In Quarter 3, discussions with GBHWC management and supervisors were held regarding the ZSF. The ZSF survey was distributed to GBHWC employees in Quarter 4. Based on a recommendation from the ZSF consultant, GFOL created the Heroes for Zero program. GBHWC employees who completed the Workforce Survey were given a Heroes for Zero shirt. 

The survey closed in January 2023. 205 employees completed the survey. This is a 70% response rate. Data collected from the survey will be analyzed and presented to GBHWC employees. GFOL is creating a ZSF promotional video and anticipates its completion in the first quarter of Year 4. 


By 2024, GBHWC, as a member of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) network,  will operate a local suicide prevention lifeline that will receive at least 70% of NSPL calls  from the island.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) formally migrated to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. From January to December 2022, NSPL and 988 received a total of 2087 calls.  

During Year 3, GFOL utilized social media and digital marketing to promote the NSPL and the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. The social campaigns had a total reach of 3,170 people. The digital marketing campaign included use of 16 digital screens throughout Guam reaching a total of 391,949 viewers.