Goal 2

By 2024, GBHWC’s ability to address the seven core elements of suicide-safer care in its approach to behavioral health services, based on the Zero-Suicide Framework (ZSF), will reach at least a target rating of “4=Near Comprehensive Practices are in Place.”

GFOL Project Director met with the Zero-Suicide Framework (ZSF) consultant to develop a working plan for Year 2.

By 2024, GBHWC will have tracked a 4-year implementation record of its Zero Suicide Plan.

Development, launch and implementation of the GBHWC’s Zero Suicide Plan will begin in 2021. GFOL team is preparing to launch the Workforce Development Survey in February 2021 followed by the completion of the organizational self-study for the agency. The Zero Suicide Committee will be set-up once the survey is complete; however, there is an ad hoc committee comprised of the GFOL team in place in the interim. The GBHWC administrators have been introduced to the ZSF. GBHWC employees will be introduced to the framework following the presentation of the survey results in March 2021.

By 2024, GBHWC, as a member of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) network, will operate a local suicide prevention lifeline that will receive at least 70% of NSPL calls from the island.

Procedures for inclusion in the National network have been updated. The plan to transfer the hotline to the Mobile Response Stabilization Services Unit (MRSS) under the Children and Adolescent Services Division has been changed in order to establish the hotline as a standalone service program.

Additionally, GBHWC achieved membership in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network after passing its test calls and resolving other technical issues. As a member of the NSPL, individuals in Guam who call the NSPL will now be connected to GBHWC where staff will be able to provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals. The NSPL is live as of January 11, 2021.