
To preview what your site will look like once published to the web select the eye in the upper right corner of your screen. Once in preview mode, you will be able to see what your site will look like on a computer screen, tablet, or smartphone.


Google Sites allows multiple people to collaborate and edit the site at the same time. To add editors, click the icon of a person with a + right next to the preview icon.

  • Link to share - collaborators can access the site via this link

  • Who can edit - lists all editors of the site and their rights to the site (owner or can edit)

    • NOTE - click "Change" adjust the link sharing rights

  • Invite people - enter the names or email addresses of the people you want to give editing rights to the site

  • Owner settings - as the owner you have the option to prevent editors from publishing, changing access, or adding new editors


Once you have planned, built, and finalized your site, it is ready to be published. To publish, click the big publish button in the upper right corner. After you publish your site, there will be an arrow that appears next to the publish button which allows you access to the publish settings, view published site, and unpublish.

  • NOTE: Any changes made to your site after it has been published will not be visible until you click the publish button again, publishing those changes.

  • Site address - as the owner of the site you can choose what the last part of the site address will be (example:

  • Who can visit my site - decide if you want your site only visible within your domain or visible to anyone on the web

  • Allow my site to appear in search results - check the box if you want your site to be searchable