Experiential Learning and Iceberg -

Yumna Binte Jamaludeen 2300513E



08, Sophie's Cool List : Gardens By the Bay


My friend, Khadijah, and I, taken by a friendly Indonesian stranger.

Mongolian Nobility's Traditional Costume (Deel)

Going to Gardens By The Bay was one of the things on Sophie's Cool List. Hence, I invited my engineering friend who is also taking this module, to come with me. There was an event called Chyranthemum Charm, which featured over 80 varieties of chrysanthemums, including 10 making their Southeast Asian Debut.

When buying tickets online, I stumbled upon the information that there was going to be a floral arranging workshop. I was excited as it has always been a dream of mine to do floral arranging. The experience was therapeutic and stress-relieving. We were given a floral kit which consisted of glue, tweezers, a frame, and most importantly, loose dried flowers. My friend and I did the floral arranging at our own pace. The beautiful flowers in our view made the whole experience seem more beautiful than it already was. It taught me to be patient and to slow down as flower arranging is a very delicate process.  I believe that floral arranging at Gardens by the Bay was truly a memorable and unique experience.


 12, Watching Kartini On Netflix

The movie Kartini starts by explaining the traditions of the Javanese culture where the woman born to a king had to undergo seclusion to receive her title of princess. The women had to be in seclusion until a suitor asked for her hand in marriage. Kartini always wanted to be freed from her seclusion, hence, her brother decided to give her a key to freedom. Which to her surprise, was a key to unlock a cabinet filled with books.

As Kartini started reading, she realised the world of possibilities out there and she experienced countless realms just from the comfort of her own home. Her lifestyle and goals quickly changed as she realised the world of possibilities waiting for her outside her own home. The knowledge she learned was shared by her with her younger sisters, making their mundane days filled with laughter and hope. 

Kartini has her father's permission to be independent, which gives her the freedom to do things like go to exclusive public events. Her journey begins when she learns about the world of academic writing and Dutch literature when she is alone. Her thirst for knowledge and her desire to serve others contributed to Indonesian women's emancipation. I think that this film depicts Kartini's fight for gender equality, particularly concerning education. It is well known that women were prohibited from pursuing higher education in the early 1900s, even for nobles. This film made me informed about the struggles women had to go through to fight for their basic rights in the early 1900s.


04, To Be Happy, Marriage Matters 

More Than Career

To be happy, marriage matters more than a career. I disagree with this statement. In an academically competitive and high-cost-of-living country, it is not a surprise that a career is the priority of many adults in Singapore. I personally think that to achieve happiness, marriage does not hold a higher priority than a career for 3 reasons. The reasons are, the unstable nature of marriages, gaining independance through careers and, personal growth in careers. 

The Unstable Nature of Marriages

According to Tembusu Law, In 2020 alone, 6,959 married couples filed for Divorce. Do you know the famous saying that 50% of marriages end in divorce, it may not be true but it sure does prove that marriage does not grant the certainty of happiness. Having a career is different because building a career requires the effort of one party, which is yourself, outcomes are often more directly tied to individual efforts. Marriage requires the effort of two parties, and the ability of both parties to work well together. People's behaviour may not be predictable and circumstances may lead to the marriage not working out, leading to unhappiness. The unstable nature of marriage is a contrast to having a career. Having a career provides the certainty that every effort will definitely bear fruits in one way or another. For example, if someone has a passion for their business, all the effort they put in will not go to waste, even if the business falls through, it could serve as a stepping stone or even another milestone to add to their LinkedIn profile, a positive addition to one's professional profile.

Gaining Independence Through Career

Many older generations of  women tolerate abusive marriages due to the lack of financial independence. Having a career allows people to have financial independence and not be bound to an unfavourable situation due to financial restrictions. A career will provide people with a stable income to lean on and would encourage independence.

Personal Growth In Careers

You develop new skills and learn new things as a result of working. At work, overcoming obstacles strengthens and improves problem-solving skills. Personal development is also facilitated by time management, goal-setting, and leading others. All things considered, a career is akin to a voyage that enhances your abilities in many areas, both at work and in life.

Iceberg Model

Tourism Photography

Visible Aspects : In the case of Gardens By the Bay, the visible tip of the iceberg is taking pictures of the many different flowers around, which in this case were chrysanthemums. However, capturing the essence of a destination goes beyond the typical and well-known landmarks or tourist attractions.

Invisible Aspect: Capturing the traditions and culture adds depth to tourism photography. Photography is an effective technique for telling stories. Photographers may convey a more complete and complex tale about a location, its people, and their way of life by including invisible elements. As seen in the picture, the tourists were taking a picture of them sitting on traditional Mongolian furniture in a Mongolian tent called a yurt.

Building My Global Mindset