Working papers
M. Aguilar-Moreno, S. Pineda, J. M. Morales, "A Graph-Based Iterative Strategy for Solving the All-Line Transmission Switching Problem" (preprint)
E. Prat, R. M. Lusby, J. M. Morales, S. Pineda, P. Pinson , "How long is long enough? Finite-horizon approximation of energy storage scheduling problems" (preprint)
R. Li, H. Zhang, M. Sun, C. Wan, S. Pineda, G. Kariniotakis, T. Fei, W. Xu, "Decision-Focused Learning for Future Power System Decision-Making under Uncertainty" (preprint)
A. Jiménez-Cordero, S. Pineda, J. M. Morales, A Variable Neighborhood Search approach for solving the Rank Pricing Problem (preprint)
A. Elías, R. Jiménez, A. M. Paganoni and L. Sangalli, A depth for censured functional data. (working paper)
S. Pineda, J. Pérez-Ruiz, J. M. Morales "Beyond the Neural Fog: Interpretable Learning for AC Optimal Power Flow" IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (preprint) (P)
J.G. De la Varga, S. Pineda, J.M. Morales, Á. Porras (2024), Learning-based improvement in state estimation for unobservable systems. Electric Power System Research. (preprint) (published) (P)
A Stratigakos, S Pineda, JM Morales (2024), Decision-focused linear pooling for probabilistic forecast combination. International Journal of Forecasting. (preprint) (published)
C. Domínguez, R. Gázguez, J.M. Morales and S. Pineda (2024), The cooperative maximum capture facility location problem. Computers and Operations Research, 104. (preprint) (published) (P)
R. Mieth, J.M. Morales and H.V. Poor (2024), Data valuation from data-driven optimization. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. (preprint)
Á. Porras, Line Roald, J.M. Morales and S. Pineda (2024), Unifying Chance-Constrained and Robust Optimal Power Flow for Resilient Network Operations. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (preprint) (published) (P)
S. Pineda, J.M. Morales and A. Jiménez-Cordero (2024), Learning-assisted optimization for transmission switching. TOP (published) (preprint) (P)
S. Pineda, J.M. Morales, Á. Porras and C. Domínguez (2024), Tight big-Ms for optimal transmission switching. Electric Power System Research, 234, 110620 (published) (preprint) (P)
Z. Li, A. M. Alonso, A. Elías and J. M. Morales (2024). Clustering and forecasting of day-ahead electricity supply curve using a market-based distance. International Journal of Electric Power & Energy Systems, 158. (published) (preprint)
A. Stratigakos, S. Pineda, J. M. Morales and G. Kariniotakis (2024). Interpretable machine learning for DC optimal power flow with feasibility guarantees. IEEE Power Transactions on Power Systems, 39 (3): 5126-5137. (published) (preprint)
Á. Porras, C. Domínguez, J.M. Morales and S. Pineda (2023). Tight and compact sample average approximation for joint chance constrained optimal power flow. INFORMS Journal On Computing, 35(6): 1454 - 1469. (published) (preprint) (P)
M. Á. Muñoz, J. Kazempour and P. Pinson (2023). Online decision making for trading wind energy Computational Management Science, 20(1)33 doi: 10.1007/s10287-023-00462-2. (published) (preprint)
S. Pineda and J.M. Morales (2023). Renovables y baterías: un romance del siglo XXI. BEIO Boletín Informativo de la SEIO (Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa) The Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research Gazette, 29(2), July, 2023. (published)
A. Elías, J.M. Morales and S. Pineda (2023). A high dimensional functional time series approach to evolution outlier detection for grouped smart meters. Quality Engineering , 35(3): 371 - 387. (published) (preprint) (code) (P)
V. Blanco, R. Gázquez and F. Saldanha-da-Gama (2023). Multi-type maximal covering location problems: Hybridizing discrete and continuous problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 307(3): 1040 -1054, June, 2023. (published) (preprint)
J. M. Morales, M. A. Muñoz, S. Pineda (2023). Prescribing net demand for two-stage electricity generation scheduling. Operations Research Perspectives 10: 100268 (published) (preprint) (P)
A. Esteban-Pérez and J.M. Morales (2023). Distributionally robust optimal power flow with contextual information. European Journal of Operational Research 305(1): 1047-1058, (published) (preprint) (P)
V. Blanco, R. Gázquez, D. Ponce and J. Puerto (2023). A branch-and-price approach for the continuous multifacility monotone ordered median problem. European Journal of Operational Research 306(1): 105-126. (published) (preprint)
Á. Porras, S. Pineda, J.M. Morales and A. Jiménez-Cordero (2023). Cost-driven screening of network constraints for the unit commitment problem. in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38(1): 42-51, January, 2023. (published) (preprint) (P)
S. Pineda, J.M. Morales and S. Wogrin (2023). Mathematical programming for power systems. Chapter of book: Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering, 722-733, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-128-23211-8. (link to publisher)
C. Domínguez, A. Porras, S. Pineda and J.M. Morales (2023). Optimal power flow under uncertainty. Chapter of book: Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering, 765-776, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-128-23211-8. (link to publisher)
A. Esteban-Pérez and J.M. Morales (2022). Distributionally robust stochastic programs with side information based on trimmings. Mathematical Programming, 195:1069–1105, November, 2022. (published) (preprint) (P)
J.M. Morales and S.Pineda (2022). Co-editors of special issue Essays on operations research in energy. TOP 30(3), October, 2022 (published) (preface)
A. Jiménez-Cordero, J.M. Morales and S. Pineda (2022). Warm-starting constraint generation for mixed-integer optimization: A machine learning approach. Knowledge-Based Systems, 253:109570, October, 2022. (published) (preprint) (P)
A. Esteban-Pérez and J.M. Morales (2022). Partition-based distributionally robust optimization via optimal Transport with Order Cone Constraints. 4OR, 20:465–497, September, 2022. (published) (preprint )
V. Blanco, R. Gázquez and M. Leal (2022). Mathematical optimization models for reallocating and sharing health equipment in pandemic situations. TOP Early Access doi:10.1007/s11750-022-00643-3, September, 2022. (published) (preprint)
A. Elías, R. Jiménez and J. Yukich (2022). Localization processes for functional data analysis. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification Early Access doi:10.1007/s11634-022-00512-8, August, 2022. (published) (preprint),(software)
J.M. Morales, S. Pineda and Yury Dvorkin (2022). Learning the price response of active distribution networks for TSO-DSO coordination. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems , 37(4):2858-2868, July, 2022. (published) (preprint) (P)
S. Pineda, J. M. Morales (2022). Is learning for the unit commitment problem a low-hanging fruit? Electric Power Systems Research, 207:107851, June, 2022. (published, preprint) (P)
T. K. Boomsma, S. Pineda, D. M. Heide-Jørgensen (2022). The spot and balancing markets for electricity: Open- and closed-loop equilibrium models. Computational Management Science, 19:309–346 June, 2022 (published)
A. Elías, R. Jiménez and H. Shang (2022). On projection methods for functional time series forecasting. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 189:104890, May, 2022. (published, code)
M. A. Muñoz, S. Pineda, and J. M. Morales (2022). A bilevel framework for decision-making under uncertainty with contextual information. Omega, 108:102575, April, 2022. (published, preprint ) Best Paper Award Omega 2022. (P)
A. Elías, R. Jiménez, A. M. Paganoni and L. Sangalli (2022). Integrated depths for partially observed functional data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, ja:1 - 25, April, 2022. (published, code)
C. Domínguez, M. Labbé, and A. Marín (2022). Mixed-integer formulations for the capacitated rank pricing problem with envy. Computers & Operations Research, 140:105664, April, 2022. (published)
I. Ucar, M. Torre and A. Elías (2022). Mind the gender gap: Covid-19 lockdown effects on gender differences in preprint submissions. PLoS ONE, 17:e0264265, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264265, March, 2022. (published)
Y. Alemán-Gómez, A. Arribas-Gil, M. Desco, A. Elías and J. Romo (2022). Depthgram: Visualizing outliers in high-dimensional functional data with application to fMRI data exploration. Statistics in Medicine, 41(11):2005-2024 February, 2022. (published)
A. Triviño-Cabrera, A.J. Yuste-Delgado, J.C. Cuevas-Martinez and S.Pineda (2021). Competition-based learning in engineering degree programs (review). International Journal of Engineering Education, 37(5):1359 - 1370, October 2021. (published)
R. Fernández-Blanco, J. M. Morales, S. Pineda, and Á. Porras (2021). Inverse optimization with kernel regression: Application to the power forecasting and bidding of a fleet of electric vehicles. Computers & Operations Research, 134:105405, October 2021. (published, preprint) (P)
A. Jiménez-Cordero, J.M. Morales and S. Pineda (2021). A novel embedded min-max approach for feature selection in nonlinear support vector machine classification. European Journal of Operational Research, 293(1):24 - 35, August 2021. (published, preprint) (P)
V. Bucarey, M. Labbé, J. M. Morales and S. Pineda (2021). An exact dynamic programming approach to segmented isotonic regression. Omega, 105:102516, July 2021.(published, preprint)
R. Fernández-Blanco, J.M. Morales and S. Pineda (2021). Forecasting the price-response of a pool of buildings via homothetic inverse optimization. Applied Energy, 290:116791, May 2021. (published, preprint)
M. Gržanić, J. M. Morales, S. Pineda, and T. Capuder (2021). Electricity cost sharing in energy communities under dynamic pricing and uncertainty. IEEE Access, 9:30225-30241, February 2021. (published, )
A. Jiménez-Cordero and S. Maldonado (2021). Automatic feature scaling and selection for support vector machine classification with functional data. Applied Intelligence, 51(1):161 - 184, January 2021. (published)
S. Wogrin, S. Pineda, D. A. Tejada-Arango (2020). Applications of bilevel optimization in energy and electricity markets. Chapter of book: Bilevel Optimization: Advances and Next Challenges, 161:139-168, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, November 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-521 (link to publisher)
R. Blanquero, E. Carrizosa, A. Jiménez-Cordero, B. Martín-Barragán (2020). Selection of time instants and intervals with support vector regression for multivariate functional data. Computers and Operations Research, 123:105050, November 2020. (published)
Á. Porras, R. Fernández-Blanco, J. M. Morales and S. Pineda (2020). An efficient robust approach to the day-ahead operation of an aggregator of electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 11(6):4960 - 4970, November 2020. (published, preprint) (P)
S. Wogrin, S. Pineda, D. A. Tejada-Arango, I. C. Gonzalez-Romero (2020). Transmission expansion planning outside the box: A bilevel approach. Chapter of book: Transmission Expansion Planning: The Network Challenges of the Energy Transition, 153-184, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, November 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-49427- 8 (link to publisher)
G. De Zotti, S. A. Pourmousavi, J. M. Morales, H. Madsen and N. K. Poulsen (2020). A control-based method to meet TSO and DSO ancillary services needs by flexible end-users. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(3):1868 - 1880, November 2020. (published)
D. Guericke, I. Blanco, J. M. Morales and H. Madsen (2020). A two-phase stochastic programming approach to biomass supply planning for combined heat and power plants. OR Spectrum, 42(4):863 - 900, June 2020. (published, preprint)
S. Pineda, J. M. Morales and A. Jiménez-Cordero (2020). Data-driven screening of network constraints for unit commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(5):3695-3705, March 2020. (published, preprint) (P)
M. A. Muñoz, J. M. Morales, and S. Pineda (2020). Feature-driven improvement of renewable energy forecasting and trading. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(5):3753 - 3763, February 2020. (published, preprint) (P)
H.C. Bylling, S. Pineda, T.K. Boomsma (2020). The impact of short-term variability and uncertainty on long-term power planning problems. Annals of Operations Research , 284(1):199 - 223, January 2020. (published)
G. De Zotti, S. A. Pourmousavi, J. M. Morales, H. Madsen and N. K. Poulsen (2019). Consumers' flexibility estimation at the TSO level for balancing services. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(3):1918 - 1930, December 2019. (published).
N. Mazzi, A. Trivella and J. M. Morales (2019). Enabling active/passive electricity trading in dual-price balancing markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(3):1980 - 1990, December 2019. (published, preprint).
V. Dvorkin, S. Delikaraoglou and J. M. Morales (2019). Setting reserve requirements to approximate the efficiency of the stochastic dispatch. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(2):1524 - 1536, October 2019. (published, preprint).
C. Lima, S. Relvas, A. Barbosa-Póvoa and J.M. Morales (2019). Adjustable robust optimization for planning logistics operations in downstream oil networks. Processes, 7(8):507, August 2019. (published, pdf).
R. Blanquero, E. Carrizosa, A. Jiménez-Cordero and B. Martín-Barragán (2019). Functional-bandwidth kernel for support vector machine with functional data: An alternating optimization algorithm. European Journal of the Operational Research, 275(1):195 - 207, May 2019. (published)
R. Blanquero, E. Carrizosa, A. Jiménez-Cordero and B. Martín-Barragán (2019). Variable selection in classification for multivariate functional data. Information Sciences, 481:445 - 462, May 2019. (published)
S. Pineda, R. Fernández-Blanco and J.M. Morales (2019). Time-adaptive unit commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(5):3869 - 3878, March 2019. (published, preprint) (P)
K. Dächert, S. Siddiqui, J. Saez-Gallego, S. Gabriel and J. M. Morales (2019). A bicriteria perspective on L-penalty approaches: A corrigendum to Siddiqui and Gabriel's L-penalty approach for solving MPECs. Networks and Spatial Economics, 19(4):1199 - 1214, February 2019. (published, preprint)
S. Pineda and J.M. Morales (2019). Solving linear bilevel problems using Big-Ms: Not all that glitters is gold. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(4):2469 - 2471, January 2019. (published, preprint)
C. Ordoudis, P. Pinson and J.M. Morales (2019). An integrated market for electricity and natural gas systems with stochastic power producers. European Journal of the Operational Research, 272(2):642 - 654, January 2019. (published, preprint)
S. Pineda, H. Bylling and J.M. Morales (2018). Efficiently solving linear bilevel programming problems using off-the-shelf optimization software. Optimization and Engineering, 19(1):187 - 211, November 2018. (published)
V. Guerrero-Mestre, Y. Dvorkin, R. Fernández-Blanco, M. A. Ortega-Vazquez, and J. Contreras (2018). Incorporating energy storage into probabilistic security-constrained unit commitment. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 12(18):4206 - 4215, October 2018. (published)
R.T. Elliott, R. Fernández-Blanco, K. Kozdras, J. Kaplan, B. Lockyear, J. Zyskowski, and D. S. Kirschen (2018). Sharing energy storage between transmission and distribution. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(1):152 - 162, August 2018. (published, preprint)
M. C. Cerbantes, R. Fernández-Blanco, M. A. Ortega-Vazquez, and J. Mantovani (2018). Short-term operation of a distribution company: A pseudo-dynamic tabu search-based optimisation. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 12(12):2995 - 3004, July 2018. (published)
S. Pineda, T.K. Boomsma and S. Wogrin (2018). Renewable generation expansion under different support schemes: A stochastic equilibrium approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(3):1086 - 1099, May 2018. (published)
S. Pineda and J.M. Morales (2018). Chronological time-period clustering for optimal capacity expansion planning with storage. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(6):7162 - 7170, May 2018. (published)
Y. Dvorkin, R. Fernández-Blanco, Y. Wang, B. Xu, D. S. Kirschen, H. Pandzic, J.-P. Watson, and C. A. Silva-Monroy (2018). Co-planning of investments in transmission and merchant energy storage. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(1):245 - 256, May 2018. (published)
M. C. Cerbantes, R. Fernández-Blanco, M. A. Ortega-Vazquez, and J. Mantovani (2018). Incorporating a nodal reactive power pricing scheme into the DisCo's short-term operation. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(4):3720 - 3731, May 2018. (published)
D. J. Olsen, Y. Dvorkin, R. Fernández-Blanco, and M. A. Ortega-Vazquez (2018). Optimal carbon taxes for emissions targets in the electricity sector. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(6):5892 - 5901, April 2018. (published, preprint)
J. Saez-Gallego, M. Kohansal, A. Sadeghi-Mobarakeh and J.M. Morales (2018). Optimal price-energy demand bids for aggregate price-responsive loads. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(5):5005 - 5013, March 2018. (published)
J. Saez-Gallego and J.M. Morales (2018). Short-term forecasting of price-responsive loads using inverse optimization. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(5):4805 - 4814, February 2018. (published, preprint)