
We are interested for instance in the following materials:

    1. IrTe2: a “heavy” transition metal dichalcogenide with peculiar phase transitions towards charge-ordered states. -> Collaboration with the group of M. Hengsberger from University Zurich (Group of M. Hengsberger). See also our recent work on this (PRB 97.075110).

    2. Materials realizing a spontaneous condensation of excitons into a macroscopic state. There is a growing activity on the newly discovered low-dimensional Ta2NiSe5. See our recent works on this material (PRL 119.086401 and PRB 97.115154) -> Collaboration with the group of J. Stähler from Fritz-Haber Institute ( and Philipp Werner at University Fribourg (Unifr Group Werner). We also pursue a long-standing collaboration on TiSe2 with the group of Philipp Aebi at University Fribourg.

    3. Thin film heterostructures of cuprate and manganite materials, like YBa2Cu3O7 and Nd(Ca/Sr)MnO3, for which proximity effects between superconductivity and magnetic are tuned by the composition of the manganite. -> This is a collaboration with the group of Christian Bernhard from University of Fribourg (Unifr Group Bernhard).

    4. The static and dynamic properties of spin chain cuprates like CuGeO3 and Li2CuO2. -> Collaboration with the group of Thorsten Schmitt from Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI Group Thorsten) and the group of Steve Johnston from the University of Tennessee (University of Tennessee Group Johnston). See our static RIXS works on these materials (PRL 110.087403, PRB 94.165118, Nature Com. 10563 ).

We are using many different tools for achieving our goals :