
Attendance at the workshop will all be on zoom.

An email with the zoom and slack links will be sent via Oxford Abstracts, so keep an eye out for a message from them. Please check your spam folder if you don't immediately find the email.

Please review the code of conduct before attending.

Instruction to Presenters:

  1. Please install and sign into the Zoom app and make sure your Zoom is up to date.

  2. Please test your setup using Zoom Test Meeting:

  3. Be present on Zoom 10 minutes before the start of your session.

  4. Identify yourself to the Session Chair through the zoom chat (name listed in program)

  5. If you have sound clips:

    1. Select “share screen”

    1. When the window appears, select the “share sound” option in the lower left corner of the screen.


    1. The Session Chair will give a verbal 5 minute warning (regular talks) or a 2 minute warning (flash talks)

  1. The Session Chair will monitor live and chat questions and identify which you should respond to. Try to keep answers succinct. The Chair will moderate follow-up questions. In-depth discussions can be continued via the conference Slack.

  2. If you have a technical issue please contact the chair or technical chair for the session. Names are in the program.

  3. Have fun!

Instruction to Attendees

  1. When you enter the meeting you will automatically be muted, but your camera will be turned on.

  2. Please leave your camera on when possible to encourage engagement.


    1. Raise your hand in zoom to ask a live question.

    1. Post a question to the zoom chat.

    1. The Session Chair will moderate live and chat questions and follow-ups

    1. Additional questions and in depth discussion can continue via Slack

  1. If you have a technical issue please contact the Session or Technical Chair for the specific session. Names are in the program.