About Us

The Green Samaritan Group, Born From The Roots Of Vegas Roots Community Garden, Is a Grassroots Organization, Whose Mission Is To Continue To Provide The Greater Las Vegas Community With The Opportunity To Learn How To Compost And The Importance Of Composting And Waste Reduction, How to Grow Food In The Desert, Learn About Agricultural, Gardening And It's Connection to Human Wellness.

We Want To Be:

A Catalyst For Positive Change In Our Communities

A Hub For Community Engagement and Learning

A Voice In The Climate Change Arena,

And A Voice For The Health Of Those In Low-Income Communities.

Our Mission

The Green Samaritan Group Our Mission:

To teach people to be better humans by treating the Earth better, through agriculture, horticulture, composting, recycling, and healthy living.

Our primary goal is to develop a Community Garden and Farm in North Las Vegas. Here we will be able to grow fresh vegetables for the community as well as teach others to grow their own food either at home or in the community garden in raised beds or modular containers.

1. Growing food can save people money, reduce pollution, and promote a healthier diet.

2. Composting will reduce waste, lower CO² emissions, and help create healthy soil for growing foods.

3. Recycling. It's important to create a secondary use for single-use items, such as plastic bottles and, cardboard boxes. The less we throw away, the better our environment. The goal is to create a Zero Waste lifestyle, which will benefit our communities, our Cities, States, Nation, and our World.

As Green Samaritans, we want to promote a better stewardship of the Earth by turning to a more empathetic lifestyle, where we acknowledge our impact on the planet and each other. We want to promote respect for the Planet and responsibility for our environment.

Currently, the Green Samaritan Group is promoting the 5 A Day Initiative. We are asking people to pick up at least 5 pieces of trash a day, which is 35 pieces a week, which is 140 pieces a Month, which is 1825 pieces of trash annually. It's individual acts like this that can make a collective impact. Click here to learn more.

The Green Samaritan Group has partnered with the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas to host community discussions on topics that impact us all. Our 1st discussion took place on March 31st where we discussed Climate Change and possible solutions. Click here to watch the discussion.

We have partnered with Farmer Jen Organics as well as 702 Gardens LLC, to teach gardening and farming to Elementary schools and build or improve school gardens in Clark County. The younger you introduce growing foods to children, the better chance you have to promote healthy eating habits and good stewardship of the Earth.

The Green Samaritan Group motto: Yo soy Tu - which means “I am you.”

We are all connected. In the words of President John F. Kennedy "Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal." There is no planet B. Let's do our best to treat this one better.

Let's grow together.
