Prototype App for Green Infrastructure managment in Norway

Module 2: 

Compare traditional maps with Green Infrastructure maps

Compare pixel-focussed maps with Green Infrastructure maps / maps of ecological networks

MODULE 2 aims to help clarifying the differences between the two major classes of maps described in MODULE 1 - pixel-focussed maps (ignoring ecological connectivity), and network based maps (Green Infrastructure maps). 

By sliding the cursor below you can compare and appreciate differences between the traditional, pixel-focussed maps, describing the quality of each pixel on its own (left), and the innovative Green-Infrastructure maps, describing the relevance of each pixel for the entire species' ecological network (right). Understanding this difference is crucial to identify the most appropriate maps to address your specific land-planning or conservation goals

By sliding the cursor below you can compare and appreciate differences between traditional maps and network-based maps. 

It is particularly interesting to compare, respectively, habitat quality & permeability (pixel-focussed) with habitat functionality & corridors (network-based)

Disclaimer: Maps presented here are test-maps, produced as described here. Current App functionalities are to be regarded as mockups, for testing purposes. In particular, sensitivity maps and related app funcionalities are under active development in GreenPlan
