The Top Health Benefits Of Indoor Plants:

Purify the Air, Boost Your Mood, and More

Would you ever expect your indoor plants to offer benefits beyond beauty and comfort? Yes, it's true! Plants help purify the air, boost your mood, reduce stress and aid in relaxation, while also making you more productive at work. To get the most out of your houseplants, learn about the top health benefits of houseplant below!

How Plants Can Improve Our Mood

Royal College of Physicians conducted studies that supports that interacting with plants can reduce stress in adults.

Research also shows a correlation between higher levels of nature exposure—including indoor plants—and reduced symptoms of depression.

The key is to find time to add green living things like indoor plants into your life. You’ll reap benefits whether they’re at your desk or in the kitchen!

Plants Can Enhance Cognitive Function

Plants in your home can do more than just make it look pretty. Some plants can actually enhance cognitive function.

A recent study published in Applied Cognitive Psychology found that participants performed better on concentration-based tasks after being exposed to potted plants.

The study suggested that exposure to indoor plants arouse the nervous system and thus enhances cognitive function.

How Plants Improve Our Physical Well-Being

Decorative plants have been shown to have a positive impact on our physical well-being. Plants are known to purify the air by removing harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde and trichloroethylene that can cause headaches and other health problems.

Indoor plants also help cleanse oxygen in our air which can improve sleep. A recent study found people who have indoor plants experienced more restful sleep than those who didn’t. The study suggest having live plants in your home may even increase your productivity!

How Indoor Plants Reduce Anxiety

Indoor plants reduce anxiety by filtering our air. Plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen (O2). In other words, they clean your indoor air by removing harmful gases like carbon monoxide and formaldehyde while adding beneficial gases like oxygen.

The more CO2 a plant absorbs, the greener it becomes. That greenery may reduce stress in humans too, because green plants decrease blood pressure, pulse rate, and depression symptoms—probably because green spaces make us feel more relaxed.

Inviting Nature Into Your Home Improves Wellbeing

Having indoor plants in your home is a simple way to improve your physical health. Indoor plants not only provide an inviting source of greenery for you to admire but also cleanse indoor air. Plants improve our physical well-being by purifying toxins from our air! They can improve how we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us too—and can even lower anxiety levels.


Did you know that you can add more plants to your life to improve your health? Having plants in your home helps purify the air, boost moods, relieve stress and reduce allergies.

Just adding more plants to your life can help improve your overall health. The next time you go shopping for indoor plants, take a look at some of the best indoor plants for air purification as well as which ones will provide the best benefits for your mood. Do you have any favorites?


Thompson R. Gardening for health: a regular dose of gardening. Clin Med (Lond). 2018;18(3):201-205. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.18-3-201