7 Tips For Healthy Indoor Plants

Indoor plants bring a little bit of nature indoors-a beautiful touch of green that’s not only soothing but that softens hard lines and glaring light in home or office. They can even improve indoor air quality.

“Indoor plants can be a natural way to decorate your home,” says Bayer Advanced™ garden expert Lance Walheim, who is a regular contributor to Sunset magazine and who has authored or contributed to more than 30 books. “They can last for years if you provide the proper care”.

#1 Match Indoor Plants With Light Conditions In Your Home

Indoor plants vary in their light requirements. Some prefer strong light found right next to a south-facing window. Others thrive in the soft morning light of an east-facing window. For more information on choosing indoor plants for various lighting situations, check out our article, “Learn How To Add More Indoor Plants To Your Home”

Finding the Best Plant for Your Lighting Conditions

The first thing you need to do is figure out what type of plant you want. There are many different types of plants that can grow indoors, but they all have different needs. Some plants need a lot of light, while others prefer the dark.

#2 Use Quality Potting Soil

Good potting soil (never use regular garden soil in containers) promotes healthy roots by providing a balance of proper aeration, nutrition and moisture-holding capability.

#3 Water Indoor Plants Properly

There are many different types of plants that you can use for your indoor garden. It is important to know how to water them correctly, so they grow and live a long time.

Ways To Water Your Indoor Plant

There are three main ways that you can water your plant: from the bottom, from the top, or with a spray bottle. The best way to water your plant depends on the type of plant that you have and how big it is.

Our Favorite Spray Bottle

Continuous Empty Spray Bottle Mister (10.1oz/300ml - Black)

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Watering and Drainage

It is important to make sure that the pot has enough drainage holes so the excess water can flow out easily. You should also take care of any plants that need more light by moving them closer to a window or turning on an overhead light fixture.

#4 Fertilize Regularly

The frequent watering required by most indoor plants leaches nutrients out of the soil. Be sure to fertilize regularly. Fertilizing indoor plants is a great way to give them the nutrients they need to thrive.

Fertilizing indoor plants is not a difficult task.

The process of fertilizing indoor plants is usually done in two ways. The first one is to mix the fertilizer with water and pour it on the soil surface of the plant. The second one is to use a spray bottle to apply the fertilizer directly on the leaves or stems of the plant.

#5 Increase Humidity and Avoid Drafts

Keep plants away from heater vents, doorways or drafty windows. Increase humidity by setting plants on trays layered with small pebbles and filled with water. Or place them in naturally humid areas like kitchens or bathrooms (but only if there is adequate light).

#6 Keep Foliage Clean

Dust that accumulates on the leaves of indoor plants will block light and harbor insect pests. Clean leaves by wiping them with a moist towel or, in mild winter areas, take plants outdoors and hose them off.

#7 Control Insects and Pests

Many insect pests, including aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs and scales, can quickly get out of control on indoor Plants. You can keep them at bay with the tips we have outlined above. Insects are rare in indoor plants. However if you must treat insects, use products that won’t harm you or your plants.