5 Indoor Plants To Add Color To Any Room

Indoor Plants are one of the quickest and least expensive ways to bring life and interest to a room. A splash of green or lavender instantly revives a rather tired scheme, and flowering plants provide a lively range of colors.

Indoor Plants Design Rules

There are few design rules about where to put plants and flowers to look good. This can be almost anywhere, as long as they are not in the way of everyday activities.

Large Plants

You should treat large floor-level plants as focal points, making full use of your lighting to show them off to best effect. Some Indoor Plants need less light than others, but normal artificial lighting is no substitute for the natural daylight that all plants need.

Medium Plants

Medium-sized plants can be placed on furniture, but there are alternatives, hanging baskets, wall-hung planters, stands or window shelves.

Small Plants

Small plants, such as African violets need placing with care. They usually look and grow best grouped in a box or on a stand. Make sure you match a plant to its growing conditions.

Plants Add Visual Appeal To Any Room

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

Indoor plants and flowers help bring the garden indoors and add a human touch to your decorative scheme. The delicate structure of leaves and flowers also helps to soften hard outlines of modern furniture.

Colors from plants can accent your rooms without making drastic changes. Splashes of color from indoor plants and flowers can turn a drab room into a colorful room

With care, and frequent pruning, they will last a lot longer than cut flowers. As long as they get sufficient sunlight at some time during the day. Also when selecting your indoor plants choose a variety of shapes and colors. Don’t forget to include some trailing plants to break up horizontal lines.

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The Guide To Creating the Perfect Indoor Garden

How To Add More Indoor Plants To Your Home

Indoor Plants bring a fresh, lively look to any room. Here are a few suggestions to add more plants and color to your home.

  • In the bathroom try ferns, ivies, bromeliads and epiphytes. They thrive in these low light conditions.

  • Maidenhair ferns are delicate and are unsuitable for drafty windows. Try a self watering hanging basket to create visual appeal in a corner.

  • Cacti and succulents need plenty of direct sunlight;any location that has direct sunlight for most of the day is ideal.

  • Ferns and palms survive in the shade. They will thrive in locations that have a little sunlight or regular artificial light.

No matter where you choose to place your plants, avoid drips by placing plants in saucers or on shallow, gravet-filled plastic trays. This helps your plants drain excess water and stay moist. Read, “How To Take Care of Your Indoor Plants on A Budget”: to learn more.

5 Indoor Plants that Add Color to Any Room

No matter where you live, it can be challenging to bring the outdoors inside. Indoor plants are a great way to add colorful and fresh elements to any space. They don’t require much maintenance and they have the added bonus of purifying the air around them.

Plan your indoor garden spaces with our free e-book:

The Guide To Creating the Perfect Indoor Garden

These 5 indoor plants will bring color and life into any room. Each of these plants is easy to care for and requires either indirect sunlight or artificial lighting. Indoor plants not only reduce stress but they also have a positive impact on our mental health by lowering blood pressure and reducing anxiety.

Flowering or Scented Geraniums

Photo by Marko Milivojevic on Pixnio

Flowering or scented Geraniums both like a bright position, water freely and feed during the growing season to maintain a good crop of flowers.

Always remove the dead flowers from any flowering plant as this will stimulate the production of more flowers. The scented varieties when rubbed with the fingers release oils producing beautiful scents, rose, lemon, eau de cologne and many more.


Bromeliads are beautiful plants that are native to the tropics and are naturally bright, colorful, and exotic-looking. They’re low-maintenance plants that grow without soil and prefer to be kept in a pot with a little bit of water from time to time. If you’re trying to add more color to your space, bromeliads are a great way to do it. They are large plants and will add lots of color and life to any room.

Snake Plant (also known as mother-in-law’s tongue)

The snake plant (also known as mother-in-law’s tongue) is a super low-maintenance plant and is a great choice for beginners who are just getting into indoor plant care. As long as it’s receiving some sunlight and doesn’t go too long without water, it will thrive. This plant is known as a great air purifier and can help remove toxins from the air. It also likes being kept on the dry side, so don’t over water it! This plant has long, green leaves and will add a pop of color to any room.


If you’re looking for an indoor plant that requires no maintenance, succulents are a great choice. They don’t require watering and can go for weeks without needing any care. They come in a variety of colors and textures, making it easy to find a plant that will fit in with your space and decor. These plants are also great for those who travel often or are gone for long periods of time since they don’t need much tending to. They can add a burst of color to any room and are super easy to find at almost every home improvement or grocery store.


Orchids are beautiful plants with a long history of being used in decor. They come in a variety of colors and bloom often. They are a tropical plant that needs to be kept in indirect sunlight. Orchids are a great addition to a desk or bookshelf and are a nice decorative touch. Orchids can be a bit tricky to care for, so make sure you research the proper care before you buy one. They are also a bit more expensive than other houseplants, but the payoff is worth it! Orchids are definitely more of an investment plant, but they’re also one of the most rewarding indoor plants.


Bamboo is a great indoor plant that is easy to care for and looks beautiful. It grows quickly and will add some much-needed green to any space. If you’re looking for an indoor plant that will grow quickly, bamboo is a great option. Bamboo is best kept in indirect light and should be watered as needed (don’t over water it!) Bamboo is a great plant to incorporate into your home decor and is available in a variety of colors, making it easy to find a bamboo plant that will fit in with your space. This plant is easy to care for and can be a great gift for those who are new to indoor plant care.


Houseplants add life and color to any indoor space and are easy to care for. They are a great way to get the benefits of gardening without having to actually go outside and deal with the elements. These 5 indoor plants will bring a burst of color to any room. These plants are easy to care for, and require either indirect sunlight or artificial lighting. Houseplants not only reduce stress but they also have a positive impact on our mental health by lowering blood pressure and reducing anxiety.

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