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How To Propagate Baby Spider Plants - Quick Start Guide

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Everything You Need To Know About

Propagating Baby Spider Plants

Clipping The Baby Plants

Using gardening shears is one way to clip the baby spider plants off the flower shoots on the mother plant.


If any of the baby plants don't have roots, put them in a container with water so the bottoms of the plants are submerged in the water.


Once your baby spider plants have roots, pot them in a moisture-retaining soil and water them thoroughly.

This Book Includes:

Easily Propagate Baby Spider Plants

In this article, we'll tell you all about propagating baby spider plants from stem cuttings or from plantlets rooted from runner roots.

Learn All About Plant Propagation

Learn how to propagate baby spider plants in just a few simple steps—no prior experience required!

Get Answers to Common Questions

Common questions like how long does it take for spider plants to propagate, what potting soil is best, or when should I repot spider plants are answered right here!