Ασκησεις της εβδομαδας
Carry out the exercises that best fit your level.
Write down the Greek alphabet
Write down the vowels,
Write down syllables by writing down each consonant in the Greek alphabet and every double consonant followed by each vowel. Read the syllables aloud so you can learn to vocalize them. Record yourself. Send me the recording.
4_Read as far in the Αλφαβηταριο book on Youtube as far as you can.
Please, turn off music and practice reading aloud. Let me know how far you managed to go. Repeat each page until you read with speed and facility.
5_Write down the masculine definitive article in the singular and plural by memory after studying it.
6_Write down the feminine definitive article in the singular and plural by memory after studying it.
7_Write down the neutral definitive article in the singular and plural by memory after sudying it.
8. Write down forms of the noun μητερα in the singular and plural.
9. Write down the forms of the noun πατερας in the singular and plural.
Complete the following sentences:
_______ ονομα ___ πατερα μου ειναι _________
(The name of my father is….)
_____ πατερ___ τους αγαπαμε.
(We love fathers)
Ο πατερας ____ _______ καλος.
(My father is good)
Τα βιβλια ____ πατερ__
(The books of the fathers)
Τον ______ μου τον λενε _____
(My father is named)
_________, ελα!
(Come father!)
___ μητερα μου ____ καλη.
(Μy mother is kind)
Τη ______ μου ____ αγαπαω.
(I Love my mother)
Ελα, μητερ__!
(Come, mother)
Το φαγητο ___ μητερας μου ειναι το πιο νοστιμο
(The food of my mother is the most tasty)
____ _______ μου ____ λενε ______
(My mother is named ______)
_____ μητερ___ τις αγαπαμε.
(We love the mothers)
Τα παιδια ___ ______
(The children of the mothers)
Assign the correct number of English translation to the Greek expressions:
Καλο μεσημερι.
Χαιρω πολυ!
Γεια σου!
Χαιρομαι που βρεθηκαμε!
Χαρηκα που τα ειπαμε!
Χαρηκα που μιλησαμε!
Hello! (Health to you!)
Hello (to professor - Rejoice! In plural form).
Good morning
Good evening
Good night
Good early afternoon
Nice to meet you (in the present)
It was nice to meet you!
I am glad we met (we found each other).
It was nice to talk to you.